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Our "Exciting" Morning


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This happened just about 20 minutes ago- so, I'm still reeling from the "excitement". ::ohmy:

Pax and I live in a flat surrounded by car dealerships - Honda,Audi etc. So I was playing on the computer with Pax perched nearby, completely oblivious to anything except to the scent of what smelled like burnt rubber. I looked out my window that faces our backyard and saw on the other side of our fence that a car was engulfed in flames. This happened about 100 feet from my window - so I had a decent view. The smoke was everywhere and the smell was awful. I quickly relocated Pax to the farthest room away from the smoke (our bathroom) .

She's still in there and chirping happily. I'm going to keep her in there until that godawful smell is gone. The Fire Department already came and took care of business. Nobody was in the car at the time - just an empty car parked in the lot that for some reason was on fire. Pfffew! I'm glad it's over with.

But I'm worried about Pax's few seconds of smoke inhalation. Also, I wonder how bad it could have been for my bird had I not been around to relocate her away from the smoke.

Please advise.


Lauren (aka Fretful Bird Mother)

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Karma to you for acting quickly!! Sounds like you've had quite an ordeal! As far as the smoke inhalation, with as sensitive as our fids' respiratory systems are I would think that she would have shown a sign of having been affected by it by now. However, I am rather inexperienced on the subject so this is just my assumption. Hopefully someone here can give more educated input on this...keep us posted!

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Luckily the windows weren't open at the time - they usually are!! She's acting like her normal self. Breathing is normal. As you said, I probably would have observed some tell-tale signs of smoke inhalation. I'm just really thankful that I happened to be home at the time to protect her from what may have been potentially harmful. Thanks for your posts.

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