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Goodbye from Sameera and Zahzu


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Hi guys,


Yesterday I posted here asking for luck for Zahzu's operation.


Sadly, she passed away under anesthetic. The vet had removed 2 huge cysts when she stopped breathing.


I don't know what to do with myself at the moment, but I don't think reading this forum will be something I can bare to do - just looking at the topic about funny things your birds say is really upsetting me!


Especially since yesterday and today Zahzu had learned 2 new phrases which just had me tickled. I miss her so much and it's not even a day she is gone.


she was just the sweetest little thing - she'd call me by name, greet me when I came home, interact so nicely... when my husband was gone to work she'd bring his slippers saying "cuckoo come, come here, come here!" (she called him cuckoo).


I just really dont know what to do - should I pack up her things straight away or leave them for now? She pooped on my shoe on the way out, and I changed my shoes - I dont even feel like cleaning that pair of shoes!


She came into my life when I just moved here from another country, my husband got her for me and she really really helped me settle in so nicely. She was a real battler with an amazing personality. My house is so quiet now, and it feels empty without her.


If anyone knows the best way to deal with this, I'd love your advice!


Also, I must thank you all for all the care, advice and prayers you've sent our way over the last 1.5 years.


Zahzu was not even 2 years old.



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Oh Sameera I am so sorry.You must be devistated.You have been through so much with Zahzu in her short life.She could not have had a better owner. I have always followed her story and hoped she was over her problems. I have probabley missed some of your posts as I am going through some hard times myself but I am so upset for you.Please know that we are all feeling for you and wish you well for the future. Dont loose touch,you have a bucket full of experiances that may help other owners and who knows that may just help you come to terms with what happened. Good luck and God bless. Sheila

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I'm so sorry Sameera to hear of Zahzu's passing and I cannot imagine how you must feel but do what your heart tells you to do. You are welcome to stay but maybe take a little time to grieve and then come back and join your second family, who knows you may get another one in the future and we will be here to help you once again.


Who knows why things turn out like they do but remember the happy moments of Zahzu's life and I think she would want you to get another grey for you have much love to give but follow your heart.

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Sameera I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a member of your family like that is so painful. As suggested, allow yourself to grieve, you have lost a lot with the passing of Zahzu. She wasn't merely a bird, she was a friend and a member of your family.


As for the toys and thing, if you don't know what to do don't do anything. Leave them for now, I am sure you will know the right thing to do at the right time.


I hope you will find comfort in our words here, and my thoughts are with you. *hugs*

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I am so sorry to hear this, Sameera. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes reading your post. Grieving the loss of a bird is like grieving the loss of a child: time is the only real healer.


Right now I know you are still in shock, but I know you will get through the rest of the process with your own unique wisdom. I agree with Azzie on what to do with her toys, with your pooped-on shoe, etc: if you don't know what to do with them, do nothing: your heart will guide you.


Rest easy in the knowledge that you gave that young girl a wonderful year-and-a-half, just as she retuend the same to you. God must have had some other plan for that little spirit. Take whatever time you need, and if you feel you can, come back and let us know how you are doing. I also agree with Judy that another grey may be in your future, but I'm sure you need to breathe for awhile before that. God bless, and {{HUGS}} to you.

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Oh Sameera I am so sorry for your loss...I know what it is like to lose an animal-family member and the others are right, the only thing that will help is time. You gave her such a wonderful home while she was here. You watched over her so well for her short life, and now she can watch over you. It's painful, but allow yourself time to grieve...you'll know when/if it is the right time to come back.


God Bless your little angel

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Iam so so sorry for your loss this is going to be hard for you I know you have just lost your own precious baby. She will always be with you in your heart because she took up such a large space. Now there is a huge hole that is going to take time to heal. Don't worry about her things for now you will know when its time to take them down. you need to greive now. when you feel the time is right I hope you will get another Grey you have so much love for them and another Grey will never take her place but it may help fill the hole that was left behind. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this devistating time and I hopr you leaving us won't be permanent:(

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I am so sorry...My thoughts are with you...And just remember how good of a mom you were to your baby. At least you took her to the vet and tried to help her instead of just leaving the problem...


Hoping you heal quickly and are getting another baby very soon, That of course could never take her place, But at least open new doors and happy memories to come and new relationships.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your loss too. I haven't read any of your other posts, so I am not familiar with Zahzu's health problems. You have a wonderful community of supporters here. I hope your absence in the forum won't be a long one.

Maybe one day soon you'll feel like having another avian companion in your life. Be well.

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My thoughts are with you in this sad time. You gave Zahzu the very best life you could and lots of love and care. She knows you loved her and she will be waiting for you on the other side when you leave this life. I wish you peace, as she is peaceful now.

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On Sameera, I am so sorry for the loss of Zahzu. Cry, cry loud and long until there are no more tears left. Remember all the love and happiness you and Zahzu shared, all the good and sad times. Then fold all those memoirs into that special place they have in your heart. Know that Zahzu is safe and warm there, snug and cozy in the warm of your love, there to bring out with fond memoirs. Know that when the warmth of the wind touches your sweet face, as if being moved by the flap of heavenly wings, an old friend has just come by to say hi. God bless Zahzu and those who love her.

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Sameera, I am at a loss what to say to you.


I was in tears when I read this post,my heart goes out to you.


We have followed your posts with Zahzu through all the rough times she encountered in her short life. You always gave her the best you could, it was so obvious how much you loved her.


You were such a great mum to her and loved her so much, may you both be reunited one day.


All my thoughts and love are with you.



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Thank you so much for your support - it brings tears to my eyes that people who don't even know me personally can have the sweetest, most heart warming words to share with me.

It means a lot!

I don't think we'll be getting another Grey, or another pet for a long time now, maybe in a couple of years... but not soon.

We've decided tomorrow that I will pack her cage away and probably give it to our angel of a bird sitter (who was with me every step of the way!) for her to use when other birds come over to her house - at least I know it won't go to waste.


I have a feeling Zahzu had some other sickness that was undiagnosed which made her body too weak to bear the anesthetic.


We buried her in a safe place at our bird sitter's beautiful plot - now she will become part of Africa forever. And I can just think to myself that our bird sitter (who has become a wonderful friend of mine), will be looking after her for the rest of her years. We didn't have space in our little yard to give her a nice place to rest...


Anyway, tomorrow is another day and we must all keep going with our lives and be grateful for what we have.


A friend of mine sent me a message saying:


"Beautiful pictures are developed by negatives in a dark room... So if you ever see darkness in you life, assume that the Almight above is developing something most beautiful for you out of His love"


On a lighter note, Zahzu learned to say "shukr Alhamdulillah!" after immitating me sneeze! It means Thanks and praise be to God! I think thats really sweet that she learned to say that as her last words... and that is exactly what I plan to do, make thanks for the precious time I had with her, because she was a gift and a trust granted to us for a certain amount of time.


Thanks again to everyone!



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Omg Sameera I am so so sad to read this, I don't even know what to say. My heart aches for you. I really thought she was going to be fine :( I know there is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better right now. I hope that one day when your heart heals and you get another bird that you will rejoin us here. We will all be praying for you in this sad time. The saying your friend said to you about dark times is absolutely beautiful and it makes sense *hugs*

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Sameera I do so feel for your loss. It must be so hard to bear. Clearly you have a faith that will help and comfort you.

But please don't be to hasty in your decision not to get another Grey. You have a lot of love to give and there Greys that need to find a loving home such as you can provide. None will ever push Zahzu from your heart but the love you can give to another bird will help heal the pain. Love will always heal the spirit.


Steve n Misty

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