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Our Grey


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I had two greys stolen from me five years ago when my ex husband and I separated. Since that time I have wanted another. I remarried 2 years ago and my husband was thrilled about getting a grey. He preferred cockateils. But last week I found a grey that the owner could no longer keep. He is a young bird, 6 months. The owner was male and his girlfriend was terrified of the bird and let the bird rule her. When we went to pick him up I reached out to pick him up and he nipped my hand and pinched it pretty hard. I did not pull back and finally he stepped up on my hand. We have had him four days now. He has adjusted really well but there is a problem. He is great with me during the day. He plays with me, tries to talk to me and lets me handle him. Everything is great until my husband comes home and then if I try to touch him I get bitten. What can I do? He will put his hand down for my husband to scratch his head and pet him and even during the day he will not let me do that. I don't know what to do. help please?

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You've had him only one week and he'll need much more time to get used to both of you. Next week, the whole picture may be in reverse. Besides both of you, he needs time to adjust to his new home..daily routines, environments. All of that takes time. Be grateful that he's taken to you so well in such a short time. Many people aren't that lucky. That's a lot of progress and if he is taking to your husband so quickly, consider that a blessing. Your new bird needs time with both of you. Individually and as a group. Be patient because more than likely after your bird gets settled in he'll relax some more. Getting settled in takes much more time than one week even if you think that because he's socializing with you, he's settled in. He's not.

When your bird is with your husband let them have their time together. Eventually work your way into the picture as a group. Your bird will be familar with many more things as time passes. It does take time but what's going on with you and your bird isn't unusual at all.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/23 05:48

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