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New pics of Ecko


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Ecko loves to go outside with his harness on. He was about to take off. He flies in circles with the harness on lol. I can't seem to get a good pic of him flying.


What a big boy!


I love my baby!


What a pretty bird!


When we go places I take Ecko in a box, well he wanted to see outside the box and so he figured out a way to perch on the box lol. He loves to go for car rides, he flaps and chirps away. I take him to every family dinner we go to (which is alot) and he goes to everyone with no problem. I am trying to socialize him so he does this all the time and so far its working.


And heres his new cage. Its much bigger than the other one and he loves all the space. I think he might be a little spoiled with all those toys in there. Haha:lol:


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""""I think he might be a little spoiled with all those toys in there.""""


You reckon!!! Don't overwhelm him with too many at one time, just put a few in and rotate them every couple of weeks, that way he thinks he has new ones.


He sure looks good in that harness.;)

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Echo does look wonderful you've done a great job with him. I try to take Adaya out alot also she needs to be socialized and I don't get much company because I live in the middle of nowhere land. I love it because it so beautiful out here and lots of wildlife to see. but its just out of the way to much for people to come out. So I go to them and take Adaya with me she really seems to love the car she looks all around she doesn't miss a thing.I know what you mean about spoiling them its hard not to There are 11 toys in Adayas cage because its so big there is so much room for them. I have another box full waiting for her when she she gets tierd of the ones she has. her cage is so big she even has a boing in there. I like your new cage its great she must love the extra room and the price was right.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/23 17:51

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Thanks guys!


Today he has learned how to fly to my boyfriend and I when we call him. It is soooo cool! Its so funny when he is about to land on my arm, he hovers over me for a bit so he can get a good land. He can turn around pretty good too and lands perfectly. My apartment isn't that big so I thought he might have problems flying around but he manages great! I'm so proud of him. :silly:

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Thats so great Adayas not very good at picking spots to land yet. I was making scrambled eggs for them this morning and Adaya was helping me I just tookthem out of the microwave and put some in Gizmos and Rajas dish and walked out to put their dishes in their cages and Adaya decided she didn't want to wait for hers so she flew over and landed right in the middle of the scrambled egg bowl dumped it onto the floor what a mess so i moved her back to the playstand and she sat there quietly eating the eggs off her feet LOL the dogs cleaned up the mess and I made some more eggs for the rest of the birds.;) :evil: :laugh:

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It's wonderful to see you harness up Ecko so young and taking him for car rides and to outtings for socialization. He truly loves it. :-)


Those early days are the best time to start introducing them to the wonderful world out there and people, places and things.


We started taking Dayo out harnessed and in a carrier on longer trips at 14 weeks and it really paid off.


Those photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing them. :-)

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caitb2007....How awesome these pics are! Your Ecko is beautiful!! I know I have already asked this, But I ask a lot of people this so I forget, lol, But how old is he? Cuz I know we were talking about our babies together the other day, and I thought he was maybe 10 or 12 weeks? I feel so stupid that I cant remember! I have just been talking to people and reading so much about greys, That my brain is just in overload I think :silly: I notice his eyes are starting to turn too, thats awesome! I would love to get my Ecko in a harness someday, He is just a little too young for it right now ;)

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danmcq wrote:

Those early days are the best time to start introducing them to the wonderful world out there and people, places and things.


We started taking Dayo out harnessed and in a carrier on longer trips at 14 weeks and it really paid off.


Thanks Dan that really means a lot, that is exactly what I am trying to do. I want him to be well socialized so he isn't scared of anyone and so he doesn't bite anyone. He is doing really good now, he will step up to anyone and never tries to nip them.

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JungleDreamz wrote:

caitb2007....How awesome these pics are! Your Ecko is beautiful!! I know I have already asked this, But I ask a lot of people this so I forget, lol, But how old is he?


Thank you! Its ok I know what you mean, there are so many greys on here I can't keep track of how old all of them are lol. But he will be 12 weeks on Monday. I can't beleive how fast he is growing. His hatch date is Feb. 2nd :P<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/04/24 16:01

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Oh, Ecko is just gorgeous! Those are great pics of him in his harness outside. What a lucky little birdie to have a mamma spoil him so much! You are doing great and I'll bet he'll turn out to be a very well rounded and socialized grey.

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