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What pellets are your birds eating?


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I was asking Tina what she has the birds eating, well they babies are eating Zupreem Wild and Spicy mix with other fruits and vegies and Harrisons and Tropimix too. As you all know were expecting twins so I have to buy in BULK. The Zupreem wild mix only comes in 2 lbs bags:whistle: I need bigger bags! lol


What pellets are your birds on? Do you have great results with it? I was thinking of Harrisons but it's like 125-150 for only 20 pounds *whistling* I was thinking of Zupreem too im not sure about the Fruity one I was reading that it has a high sugar content. Sooooo here I am debating on which pellets. I also have a few samples of Hagen Tropimix too, Tina uses that for the babies too. So if you buy in bulk what foods do you use? Do you buy it online?



Thanks!<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/04/23 00:44

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Carol you don't want 20 lbs of Harrisons pellets, that is too much at a time for two greys, because Harrisons is organic it has a shorter shelf life so you don't want to buy more than you can use up in a couple of months. I would buy the 5 lb bag or maybe two 5 lb bags and leave one sealed up until you need to open it.


I don't think Josey has ever eaten any other pellets than Harrison's high potency, I am sure there are others that may be just as good but it is recommended so much by avian vets that I feed her that exclusively.


I don't buy in bulk as I only have two birds and I get almost all of it online, except for Harrisons I get most of my supplies at www.drsfostersmith.com

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Being organic they don't have the preservatives in them that others may have and that is why they have a longer shelf life.


Josey's feathers look great and I don't know about the less aggressive part for Josey is sweet as sugar and she has never bitten me so maybe there is some truth to it.

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Ohh Okk I called Hrrisons yesterday there going to send me a sample and some book they are offering too for free! Here's there number:


Call: 1(800)346-0269 (9am-5pm Est.)


They were very nice on the phone yesterday :) Here is the article talking about a less aggresive bird using Harrisons on page 7 :




I thought it was interesting to see it. Thanks again Judy the website is really informative too. I'm always doing homework lol

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""""I'm always doing homework lol""""


Thats great and you will continue to learn more every day as you come here, I think I learn something new here every day.


I already feed the Harrisons but I have never called that number to request a sample, maybe I should.

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Cleo eats the Kaytee's Rainbow Mix, parakeet size. Those pellets have 3 colours, and 2 different shapes, little flower shaped ones in red,yellow and green, and large green rods. Silly Cleo first eats all the long green ones, then the red flower shaped ones.

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I feed George Zupreem Fruit Pellets .I have got Harrisons but he will not touch them .He will also not eat the yellow ones its so funny cause we have loads of that colour left,but no matter if i leave them in he will not eat them !:laugh:

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I use Harrisons. As Judy said the 5lb bag is better. It lasts me just under 2 months. I keep it seeled in the fridge.With 2 greys this would last you about a month.Oh and the high potency coarse are recomended for greys.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/23 13:30

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This thread struck me as ironic when I first saw it, but I know that's just my own frustration coming through! Maxi eats Harrison's high potency coarse - IF I stand in front of her and match her one for one. My own feathers are looking really nice now, and my daughter Mary agrees I've become less aggressive...:P :P


Good job getting yourself set up, Carol!

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LindaMary wrote:

This thread struck me as ironic when I first saw it, but I know that's just my own frustration coming through! Maxi eats Harrison's high potency coarse - IF I stand in front of her and match her one for one. My own feathers are looking really nice now, and my daughter Mary agrees I've become less aggressive...:P :P


Good job getting yourself set up, Carol!


Lmaooooo@Linda I had to re look at that again! Now that was hilarious and youy know I am always researching something I tell ya! lol Thank You

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Jane08 wrote:

LOL LindaMary, maybe you can try the Zupreem ones for us and let us know what might be wrong with the yellow ones, haha.


I'm betting the yellow ones taste like banana. Here's Maxi when faced with banana: "Ptui! :angry: Ptui! :angry: Ptui! Yuck! Banana!:sick: Yuck!:angry: Yuck!" (Also it might make her face messy, which (refer to messy-face thread), like Judy's Josie - Maxi of course would N-E-V-E-R tolerate! (Miss Prim...)):evil:

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This thread cracks me up. Each time I look at it again, someone else has added another crazy comment.


I will 'fess up though. I have tasted my puppy's kibbles. I had to see if they tasted as good as she made out, but I have to disagree. Today I might try some of Cleo's pellets and see what the deal is with the green rods she favours.

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We don't routinely feed any pellets(but that is a whole different thread). If I did I would feed TOPS or Foundation Formula. They are both organic,without synthetic vitamins,and both are soy FREE. I've done a ton of research on soy and I'm uncomfortable feeding anyone(skin,furred or feathered)soy on a regular basis

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So Azzie, what did Cleo's green rods taste like, we know you couldn't resist and tried them.


Lindamary, our 2 also hate banana no matter how I dress it up. I even tried mashing it and putting it in the bowl. They decorated the walls with it for me.

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Cleo is right, the green rods ARE nicer. The taste is subtly different, not sure in what way except that they taste "green". The rods are also way more crunchy that the flower shaped ones. I only tried one of each flower shape colour, but tried a few of the green rods, just to make sure.


Admittedly they all tasted pretty bland to me, so not sure what these birds see in them.

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Dayo is not a big pellet eater. I buy Harrisons, zupreem fruity blend, hot and spicy blend, hagens mainteance pellets and mix them all together.


He will eat a few of each at times but not enough to give him all the nutrients needs to have him on a full pellet diet.


So, he gets a nut/seed mixture, lots of veggies, a little fruit, oatmeal, eggs etc. much of it laced with red palm oil.

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