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Convert to cage?


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Ok so, Ecko is 6 and 1/2 weeks, so I didn't think I would have to even think about this for at least a couple weeks now, BUT, His brooder is a 10 Gallon aquarium with a heating pad under it, You know a makeshift brooder, and I have a rolled up towel in there with him, and he was perched on it this morning! And this afternoon, he is trying SO hard to perch on it, but it keeps smashing down with his weight...And he keeps flapping his wings, A LOT, but he has no room in there hardly to flap them...I didn't think he would be this active already, He is just trying SO hard to be a BIG boy, lol, There is no room to put in any perches or anything in there, SO should I put him in his cage with real low perches and stuff? He would have MUCH more room. It is a big cage, I dont have a smaller one to put him in, well I do but it is like 15 by 15, still too small, SO WHAT SHOULD I DO!? Make the switch or still wait?

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I put Adaya in a cage around that age because she started climbing. I had a cage that was 30X24x30inches high so if she did climb it wasn't to high. I took the Grate out and put a whole news paper down so all I had todo to clean it was take off a couple layers and it made it softer for her them I put a heating pad under one end with a babys recieving blanket so she had a nice warm place to sleep I partialy covered the cage to help keep the warmth in. If you want to I would put her in a cage if you have something not to big that would be great. I just read that you didn't have a smaller cage (duh) I think you could still do the same thing with a bigger cage do you have a heavy blanket to cover the top half of the cage so not to much heat escapes and so she won't climb to high because its dark up there.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/22 19:48

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That is AWESOME advice, You have helped SO much, Yes I do have a dark blanket I can put over the top, That would help keep him from trying to go too high? Or I could put a false ceiling in it, I cant raise the grate, the cage is like weird, I will post a pic later, but the grate is 2 pieces, But I can lay towels over top of it with the heating pad under the towel.


So your baby was about the same age huh? I was afraid it was too young, so I just wanted some other opinions, and your baby turned out alright, right?! I feel that would probably be the best he could practice moving around a lot more, He is just trying so hard to perch...So u think this is what I should do?

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lol, I love the pictures, Adorable!


So you do think this is what I should do?


Oh and I put cheerios in with him, and he is not just crunching them, he is EATING them, Should I start putting some weening pellets in with him too? I hand feed him the Zupreem embrace PLUS, So I will be switching him to Avian weening diet by zupreem, then to regular Zupreem avian entrees, The weaning diet looks like little cheerios, lol, But anyway, Should I start offering him this stuff now? I guess it couldn't hurt anything...I wouldn't stop his hand feedings or anything...

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Cool I will try that! My baby seems to be somewhat on the same scedual as yours, so I was wondering, When did your baby wean? Or is she even weaned I should say, lol


I am a little nervous about the whole weaning thing, I mean I know I did my Quaker, But this is a WHOLE differant ballgame! I just hope I dont mess it all up. I want a healthy happy grey baby :silly:


Thanks for all your help too thus far! All of you guys!

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I fed Adaya on demand when she was hungry I fed her she was on 3 feedings a day up until a couple weeks ago then she started refusing all her hand feeding except her night time one she would take 10 or 20cc of the other 2 and tats about it so I started to really check her crop often and watch how much she was eating it scared the daylights out of me because she lost 50 grams in about a week. then she fledged. and her weight started to stablize and she was staying at the same weight and has been now for four days I still offer her formula but she takes very little now last night I felt her crop and it definatly had food in it it wasn't like formula though it wasn't soft and mushy you could feel that she had eaten quite a bit so I put her on the scale just to see how much was in there before I offered her her night time feeding and she had already eaten 15grams on her own I offered her some formula but she only took about 15 to20cc so I'm going to see how things go over the next week and if she's holding her weight then I'll classify her weaned.

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Ok thats cool, I was talking about this on here the other day, I cant imagine my little guy REFUSING his formula, haha...I guess the day will come though ;) He just scarfs all of it down so fast now, and loves every bit of it! He is crazy about his formula!


I am glad to know just how much weight they will lose when the fledge and wean, I would have been TOTALLY freaking out! lol And keep me posted on how her weight goes!


And what are you feeding her now? I know you said Zupreem cockatiel sized when she was the age my little one is now, But do you feed her the big ones yet?


I put a couple of the big fruity zupreem pellets in a little dish last night, I got them moist first, Ad then put them in a dish, and he at all but the grape one! I cant believe it!


Oh and he is 400 grams today! Hes a big boy! How much did your girl weigh at almost 7 weeks?

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Yes they do gain fast don't they. I feed her half big zupreen pellts and half cockateil size that way she can decide if she wants a big chew or a little chewLOL she also gets scrambled eggs. bean and rice mash cooked and fresh veggies of every kind, I hang whole romaine lettace leaves in her cage she eats and plays with them at the same time she loves it. She also loves cooked corn on the cob. she isn't big on the birdy breads yet but she loves broccoli around 8weeks I staeted chopping brocolli up and putting it in her dish she went crazy for it you should try it. Adaya was up on her weight by 5 grams this morning and she had a empty crop I offered her her formula and she gobbled down 40cc so I was very pleased then she went for a fly around the living room a couple times and went to sleepLOL

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Haha, There so funny...Yeah I was going to make some birdie bread today or tomorrow, and I will do some veggies this afternoon.


I did find that I had a smaller cage, 18 by 18, So he is in that right now, eating some big zupreem pellets, I dont have any of the fruity ones in the smaller size.


When did she actually start eating the eggs and rice and lettuce and stuff, I know you said broccolii at 8 weeks, But what about that other stuff, or was it all at 8 weeks?


And congrats too on how good your baby girl is doing!

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The eggs and the beans and rice I started at about 8or 9 weeks and mashed sweet potatos stuff like that and by the time she was 10 week she was eating everything I put a small bit of soaked seeds in her dish around 8or 9 weeks also. You can sprout seed if you want its really good for them and apparently they like it I didn't have time because I work 4 days a week.

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