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There's a ghost in my apartment...


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Yesterday Chimay and I were having a nice quiet cuddle session, television turned off and not a sound around...his relaxed limp little body suddenly jerked up, feathers flat, neck extended, and he scampered up my shoulder to the couch cushion (couch is not against our wall, out in the open) and froze like a little birdie statue. I said his name a few times and tried to get him to step up but he would not budge or even blink. So I got up and went around to the back of the couch, sitting in front of him talking softly. He seemed to relax a bit after about 5 mins so I took him on my shoulder and walked around the apartment to show him everything was okay. Then he took off and glided down our hallway. So WEIRD for him!


Anyone know what to do about a birdie-harassing-ghost? Lol! I have no idea what that little episode was all about. Not a sound could be heard by human ears at that point...

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Ghostbusters! ;-)Just kidding!


I think you did exactly the right thing by calming him down - from my experience the little fellas do get spooked by things we may not even notice, I don't think it's too much to worry about...however I'm sure others will give you heaps of advice about what to do if it starts to happen more frequently.


Good luck, and keep enjoying the cuddles - thats the best hey!



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It was kinda freaky because there's always those "animal miracle" stories on Animal Planet and such where an animal senses something wrong (a fire, earthquake, choking toddler) and alerts the owner, and I was starting to think that he knew something I didn't. Ha ha! I started sniffing for smoke in case the apartment below us was on fire and stuff. But I'm not a paranoid <sarcasm>:silly:

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I do remember a member a few months back who had a bird freak out for apparently no reason, then found out there had been an earthquake at the very same time a good distance away. The humans didn't feel anything at all, but it seemed the bird did. Sometimes we can't tell what upsets them, we can only be there to assurethem everthing is ok. You did good. Kises to Chimay!

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Thank you! The only noise he's mimicing right now are kisses so I'll be sure to send some back to you from him! Ha ha...


My boyfriend and I joke now about having a poltergeist that's harassing our baby boy, but there were warning flags going up about SOMETHING in that little head of his. Fortunately the episode only lasted a total of 10 minutes, after our walk around the apartment.


I felt like a parent trying to show their 5 year old that there are no monsters in the closet, none under the bed, none in the bathroom....lol. He's full of surprises!

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Hey, it was me who had birds freaked out by an earthquake that happened hundreds of miles away! I didn't feel anything but heard on the news the next morning that there had been one at approximately the same time that they freaked out! It was weird for sure.

Chimaysmommy, sometimes a beam of reflected light from outside the window will cause my Lyric to freeze up in fear- or if he sees something floating in the air like a piece of a feather. Little things I might not even notice, he picks up on everything. He's more paranoid the older he gets and easily spooked. I just tell him everything is okay and give him a little time to figure it out for himself. Good luck with your ghost!

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The incident freaked me out in particular because I was home alone at the time...I feel so much safer when my boyfriend is home (yes I'm a wimp...ha ha) and when Chimay got spooked, the first thing I thought of (before thinking fire) was an intruder. Seems silly, but I feel just a little safer knowing that he senses things that I don't. Ha ha!

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