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Should I be worried???


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Ok, so I am at work. I left Pepper to hang out with my mom like every morning until she goes to work.. well this morning he was on her shoulder and decided to fly into the bathroom door.



Well a few mins later my mom noticed 3 drops of blood:( . She says there isn't anymore blood, but I want to ask just to make sure.



Do i need to worry and go home to him? OR will he be ok?/ He will be alone all day in his cage as no one is home.=(

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I would be worried too. I think you should go check on him because you don't want to regret it if something was wrong with him. But I am sure he is fine if she couldn't find anymore blood. How long did she stay with him after it happened? Did she stay for a little to see if he was acting ok?

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Nobody can make it to go visit her.


I can't leave because I can't get a hold of their mother, and the car seats aren't here (Kids are 2,and 4)


Sucks. I am 15 mins away and cant even go visit him now i feel bad and want to see her:angry:


my mom said she was acting ok, she just sat there and tried to bite my mom lol but then i had my brother check up on her about 30 - 45 mins later and he said she was okay sitting in her cage.


but like i said my mom did say there was no more blood, my mom thinks she bit her tongue? if thats possible


i want to see my baby!!!!!!

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Maybe she got a little nose bleed, This can happen if they fly into something really hard...But it depends on where she hit the door...If she DID hit it with her beak, it could be a little beak fracture...Probably not though, There would be more blood, or if she hit the floor hard or maybe caught her wing on the door handle or something, she could of just broke one of her feathers, which can bleed...But they don't always bleed profusely like some blood feathers do. But my vote is a birdy nose bleed...Keep us posted tho! I am a majorly paranoid person too, so I know how you feel :blush:


I have never heard of a bird biting there tongue, They don't really fly with their tongues out, lol, But I guess its possible!:silly:

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I would try to go home to check on him. The same thing happened to Tobie. He fell (he had chewed some of his flight feathers off and couldn't fly) and must have hit his beak. He was trying to climb up the steps when I went to see what the crash was all about and there was blood on the carpet coming from his beak. He couldn't eat hard pellets for a couple of days and couldn't use his beak to climb in his cage. He started improving right away ( the next day ) and nowin 4-5 days he was fine. He just had a really sore beak for a few days. I was a basket case. Hope it all works out. They are pretty tough.

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oh good I'd feel better if someone did. If she hit something really hard she could go into shock in which case she would need to be kept really quiet and really warm if she did go into shock it might be a good thing that no ones around at least it nice and quiet for her as for warmth as long as the air conditioner isn't running I'm sure she will be fine.

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ok so im at home with my lil baby hah :P


she seems fine. very happy to see me. of course i am giving her lots of attention and head rubs.


i did notice she didnt use her beak to get the ladder on top of her cage like she usually does.. but maybe she just didnt feel like it idk cuz shes still using her beak to grab my finger and lick it etc

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I'm glad to hear that Pepper is okay! I know you must have been worried...did your mom notice what part of her the blood came from? I'm just curious. Just keep an eye on her the next few days and if you notice anything strange about her behaviour, take her to your vet. ;)

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judygram wrote:

They can certainly keep us worrying about them, I would be like you Brittany, I would be worrying myself silly until I could get home and see for myself. I am so glad Pepper is fine and you owe your Dad a favor now, alls well that ends well.


thank you:)


i am a big worry wart lol. she still seems fine i am very relieved. pepper is like my kid!! idk what id do without her :P

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