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Amazingly talkative bird


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Maybe this is normal, maybe all of you have had this feeling. My 11 month old timneh is undoubtedly the most speech-inclined parrot I've ever known. He went from baby squawks to trying to say everything in just a few months. Each morning he sits at the patio window and comments on the squirrels, birds, and people passing by. It seems like he tries to say everything I say. Even his non-words (bird imitations, maniacal laughter, etc.) are amazingly clear and realistic. He's incredibly eager to interact, play, and communicate.

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Mine amazes me everyday. It's like I knew they were great talkers but tt is a new phrase or 2 every week. I had read of greys with a vocabulary of of hundreds of words but I thought over a lifetime. Heck she is only 17 months old and saying over 30 phrases. Not just words but phrases. This week her new phrase is "Stop it". Because when she nibbles on my ears I tell her to stop it.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/04/21 19:43

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That's so great!! I really can't wait till our Chimay starts talking....he is trying SO SO hard but can't quite get the words out. We try and respond to him like he's talking to us though.


Chimay: "mmaargeitelpeuuhh"

Us: "Are you sure? You have no proof..."

Chimay: "keeyyrhhrallll"

Us: "That was supposed to be OUR secret!"

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LMAO thats so funny I'm sure Tyco knows well over 200 words and phrases even Fergie my Amazon talks a blue streak they really are very clear and percise and saying things perfectly. Tyco is always butting in on my conversations. She speaks here mind quite approperitly on many different subjects she is 6 years old now I can't even imagine what she is going to be like in another 15 to 20 years.

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Congrats! I did ready that Congo's and timnehs DO have the same talking ability, BUT Timnehs sometimes will start earlier than a congo, because they mature a little faster...Just what I read...Not that one can talk better than the other, They just say TAGS will start a little sooner.

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If he's trying, he'll get it. Just keep encouraging his efforts as you would with a baby human. I find that Kofi learns best from context (talking about something like the squirrel outside the window, the corn he is eating, the shower he is taking,...).

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