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question about feather growth?& mockingbird


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ZZero has another new tail feather coming !! but my question is, he has had attitude the last few days and being quite spitful ( I swear on purpose), could it be the tail feather hurts more then others when they come in?? We have only had 1 other tail come in and it seems to me like he was a punk then also, I remember thinking mabey it hurts. I was so excited when I saw another red feather in his cage but ever since hes just been a moody......


next question,


I have a really really really annoying mocking bird who sits out the window of the room ZZero sleeps and does his annoying yells all night long, any suggestions to running him off? Think I could play a radio real low at night in the same room as ZZero while he sleeps??

This bird is teaching him bad bad sounds, I need him to go away.<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2009/04/21 23:39

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Do you see the new tail feather coming in or did you find one on the bottom of the cage. How old is ZZero? I ask because they don't usually get new tail feathers until they are between 18mo and 2 yrs. Whisper is getting a bunch of new tail feathers along with this molt and she has been a little crabby lately. She will ask for a scratch and then push me away. Then ask for the scratch again. I swear it is like dealing with a 2 yr old.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/04/21 19:00

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Hes almost 11months, this is our second tail feather and we have have molted our back , head and chest (now).I look at all his feathers they are not chewed in anyway so I do not think he pulled them (i hope) it was a month between red feathers. I do see a pin peaking out. Just one...

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Mimicing the mockingbird is only a temporary thing. Normally, a grey will stop mimicing softbills after the thrill is gone. I have wild bird feeders imn the back and at least 5 different softbills come there for the majority of the day. 2 of my greys picked up on some of the different chirps and whistles and calls of different softbills but it faded away even though the birds still come to the feeders.

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