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A new pic of Gil


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It's hard for me to get pics of Gil,because everytime he see's me he put his head down for a tickle. So I'll share a tickle pic. When he does it in his cage he puts his head down,stands on his boing and puts one foot on the front of the cage. He's stay like that all day.

He's getting a lot of new feathers and so far I haven't seen him plucking any,so we're hoping that he'll keep the new feathers once they grow in



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She wasn't my bird,she was a baby I helped handfeed and she bit me,and severed the tendon.

I'm not afraid of being bitten,but Gil has had enough in his life go wrong I don't see what pushing a camera in his face and worrying him to the point of wanting to bite would do for either of us

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Sarah you have done an amazing job with Gil! He has come so far and is crazy in love with you already in this short time.


I happen to like my fingers too so I am careful if Shaka Zulu seems in a biting mood. Earlier he almost fell from his playstand because he lost his balance. So I went and picked him up and took him to his cage because he feels safer there. He was mad and snatched a carrot from my hand and threw it across the room. Glad that was not my fingers hehe

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Cute picture! Gil's in heaven and he's giving you the look that melts hearts.


I have to laugh about your comment of him staying there all day. My Sam is the same way at evening lap time. I scratch and scratch and scratch and....


I find myself wondering just how long he's want me to keep doing it - the likely answer frightens me!



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