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Adaya has fledged


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Adaya flew 30 ft twice tonight and even turned around in mid air to go the other way. I was so shcked she kept flying from my bed to the top of my head and I kept saying no I don't want yo on my head, So I finally said so do you want to I'll take you to a room where you can fly so I took her into the livingroom ad set her down on the outside cage that sits in front of the patio doors so I caan just wheel it outside after putting the nirds into it. Any way I sat her on top of the cage a went to the other end of the room through the living room to the far end of the dining room its at least 30 ft or more. I said come on little flyer lets see you fly in a very excited voice. it tokk about 3 minutes of coaxing her and she did it she flew toowards the patio turned in mid air and flew right to me at the end of the room and then she did it again. By that time she was a little winded so I took her back to her cage. What a first flight Adaya can fly really well. now all she has to do is learn to land without crashing :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh:

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