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Sunburn from Full Spectrum Light?


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Each time we use our Avian Sun lamp and bulb, Ursula gets red around one or both of her eyes. At first we left the lamp on for many hours at a time and she get very red - her skin looked like it had welts or scratches on it, although we didn't see her scratching at all.


Now we are careful (at the vet's recommendation) not to leave the lamp on for longer than 30 minutes or so at a time, but even then Ursula gets red on one side, depending on where the lamp is situated. We've even moved the lamp so it's about 3 feet away from her closest perch, even though the lamp recommends 12 inches for effectiveness.


Any advice?

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I don't know much about those lights but to cause sunburn on your grey is not good, not good at all, either you have them too close or leaving them on for too long a period of time.


I've been told that if you can take them outside for a short period of time either every day or every couple of days thats enough for them to get the benefit they need.

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I used the exact same bulb as you, and my grey had the exact redness around her eye. I took her into the vet 2 times, and the vet thought it was an eye infection and I had to torture her with eye drops!! It started to get better, but then when I put her in her cage, it got worse!! It took me about 2 weeks to realize it was the bulb giving her a sunburn! It was new, I used a different light previously, and never experienced this problem. Needless to say, I threw that bulb away, and went back to my other one. I think they should be taken off the market!! :angry:

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I agree that they should take it off the market. I take my birds into the natural sun twice a week for 15 minutes even in the winter its all they need I do have full spectum light bulbs that I have used but not often. I think natural light is better and safer.

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