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I browsed the titles and did a couple searches but I didn't quite find what i'm looking for.


I'm in a frustrating situation right now. We recently had an extended family member (my cousin) move into our house so she could go back to college full time without having to worry about working full time to support herself.


Unfortunately, she and the bird do NOT get along. She is far too pushy with ponti, she goes right up to the cage, talks loudly, and exhibits a generally overbearing demeanor with ponti. Then she gets frustrated when ponti tries to bite at her.


Far more troubling, however, is how she treats ponti when nobody else is at the house. And I've even caught her doing it when she thinks nobody else is looking. When my cousin is watching TV in the living room, and ponti is being loud, whistling, and carrying on (as she normally does), my cousin does pretty much whatever she thinks might shut ponti up. This includes yelling at her, shaking her cage, hitting the cage, throwing pillows at ponti's cage, etcetera.


I have sat my cousin down and told her the rules for being around the bird, and even tried to explain the fact that negative reinforcement with birds just DOES NOT WORK, and yet she doesnt seem to get it. Even after she agreed to leave the bird alone, I have caught her doing it again.


What should I do? I'm a firm believer that education is the best way to go, but despite my best efforts, she just doesnt seem to be able to learn how to properly act towards parrots. Is there any training material, literature, videos, etcetera, that I could get ahold of to help my cousin understand how to behave around Ponti?


I'm honestly afraid to leave ponti and my cousin alone at the house togeter, for fear that she will hurt ponti, or ruin all of ponti's training and turn her into a wild, frightened bird, instead of the tame, loving, friendly and cheerful bird that she is currently.


Any suggestions? I'm all ears. And if you suggest kicking her out of the house, believe me, it's crossed my mind.<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2007/06/22 02:23

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Kicking her out would be the quickest by far, but I don't think she will ruin it all for you. I think basically if your bird is tame, loving, friendly and cheerful she will stay that way with you, it is her she will not like and will act accordingly. If your cousin won't listen to you then I don't think she will be interested in reading anything about how to handle birds. But this is my opinion.:unsure:

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Yeah.. this is an easy one.. Throw the wretch out... or threaten to.. It's clear that she isn't responding to "nice warnings" isn't it.. So when nice doesn't work it's time to take the gloves off.. At least that would be my approach...


Thanks for joining btw

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Matt, First off, Welcome!

Sorry, but my vote would be to send her on her way packing. If after all you've done to try and teach her how to behave around Ponti, she still won't listen to you, then she is disrespecting you and Ponti. If she continues with her behavior around Ponti, then Ponti will turn into the bird you describe.

I know you want to help your cousin, and that's wonderful, but she will continue with her life in whatever manner she chooses, Ponti doesn't have that choice. Sorry, I'm not being helpful on this issue. It's just my opinon and what I would have to do if I was in your situation.


And I would be fearful as you are, of leaving them alone for any lenghth of time.

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone. It's so frustrating that some people just can't seem to learn how to act around animals, and especially birds. You can't just treat a bird the same way you treat your dog. And greys are a little on the neurotic side, anyways. If I catch her messing with ponti again I think the gloves are going to come off.


I wish there was just some way to get my cousin to realize WHY what she is doing is wrong, and get her educated about the way parrots think and act. It seems like if she understood that, then the problem would go away.


But if it means me taking her housekey back and telling her she's not allowed at the house alone, then thats just the way it will have to be.

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Hey Matt,


I'm with the others on this - and I'd add a note of caution - A friend of mine lived in a shared house with a parrot. One of the other girls in the house didn't get on with the bird so poisoned its water while it's owner was away for the weekend. I'm sure it wouldn't come to this, but I wouldn't take the risk if she's prepared to throw things at his cage. She might not care, but I'm sure you'd be devestated if she hurt ponti. Hope I've not scared you, but I think you have to deal with the cousin carefully so that she doesn't do something vindictive,



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Very good point there Julia, if that person throws things at the bird could harming it in some way be far around the corner. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but after what Julia said I vote a big fat NO! Like I said earlier its either my way or the highway.{Characters-00020059}

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Caspersmum wrote:

Hey Matt,


I'm with the others on this - and I'd add a note of caution - A friend of mine lived in a shared house with a parrot. One of the other girls in the house didn't get on with the bird so poisoned its water while it's owner was away for the weekend.



How can people be so sick? That made me sad just reading it.


y'all have given me lots to think about.


The fact that she has done it despite us telling her she is out of line in doing so, really chaps my hide. She seems like she's left ponti alone pretty good the last few days, but I'm worried about what goes on when nobody else is home.


The second I hit submit, I had a brilliant idea. Maybe i should get one of those hidden nanny cams and set it up in the living room so I can keep an eye on things from afar!<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2007/06/22 19:15

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Matt, Definitely...a nanny cam! You OWE it to PONTI, (not your cousin) to protect her from harm. Do what you need to, to keep her home as safe as it has always been regardless of your generosity to your cousin. :dry:

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I also just got a motorola Q on sprint. I have unlimited data. I bet I could make the nannycam work from windows mobile, then I could keep an eye on it all the time.


The nerd in me is getting excited about setting up something like this.<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2007/06/22 23:20

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Matt, you don't ever have to go through all that trouble. Radio Shack sells phoney video cameras that look like the real thing.. Install one of those near his cage and TELL HER YOU ARE VIDEO TAPING the bird and cage so you can see and hear any new speach.. She won't DARE do anything if she thinks you are watching.. and it won't cost you more then a few dollars.. These video cameras come complete with a real LED light so it looks like they really are on...<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/23 00:20

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Guest islandgirltexas

miltie wrote:

LOL Maybe Guido isnt the right name for my baby



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yeah.. Like

"Say hello to my little friend".. or

"make him an offer he can't refuse" or how about my favorite

"first you need to get the money... after you get the money you get the power.. after you get the power you get the women"


I like it.. good idea..:P<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/23 19:54

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Guest islandgirltexas

CeasarsDad wrote:

yeah.. Like

"Say hello to my little friend".. or

"make him an offer he can't refuse" or how about my favorite

"first you need to get the money... after you get the money you get the power.. after you get the power you get the women"


I like it.. good idea..:P<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/06/23 19:54


OR..'I KNOW WHERE JIMMY HOFFA IS BURIED'..HAHAHA IMAGE0_11-d354a5f87955025c9f147173de2c0365.GIF

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