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My new baby just goes crazy...


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Oh, I need some help here. My new little Ganesha is plucking out so much I can hardly stand to just walk away. I just found out she is clear of all diseases including beak and feather and is actually A GIRL...but she just goes into these frenzies where she won't stop ripping out her butt feathers and her back feather around the right side of her butt. She actually turns herself backwards in almost angry arch and rips. I am trying to ignore it and walk away but sometimes it looks so painful I have to spray her down right away with aloe vera. I have been getting her totally wet every day with a shower and the aloe. The vet gave me some pain medication for the one blood feather she is growing in at her tail but it is a struggle to get it into her mouth. It seems like she does it everytime I leave her alone in a room, even for just a few minutes. HELP!

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Marietta, congratulations on Ganesha being a little girl and that she is clear of all diseases. If the Aloe Vera and showering haven't helped does she have lots of out-of-cage-time and lots of toys to keep her busy? I wish I could help but I have no experience with plucking. Perhaps some of the more experienced members will chide in and help you out. Good luck!

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