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6 week old pics!


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OMG he is just TOOOOO CUTE you'll have to call that one TC short for TOO CUTE LOL what a little sweetheart I just love them at that age they are just so loveable they can't get enough cuddles and hugs and its so hard to put them down or to leave hem even for a few minutes your so lucky to be able to raise him I don't think anything is more worth while than to bring up a baby bird and keep him healthy and happy. Aren't you just haveing the time of your life.

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LOL, I know his hair is all spikey hahaha, Like a rockstar! When he is all slic though he looks like an italian mob boss, with his hair all gel'd back, hahaha... Thanks for all the coments! And I am enjoying this all so much, It is such a great thing to experiance, Everyday they are doing something a little more "grown up"...Today was a milestone, not only for his 13 gram weight gain overnight, But he cracked his first cheerio! lol he cracked it into little tiny crumbs and then licked them up ;) silly

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