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Your grey's favourite treats


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I'd be interested to hear of your grey's favourite foods/treats to see how different greys vary in their tastes, of course a lot depends on the choice they're offered.


Beau's favourites are (in order lol) corn flakes which he adores, cooked potato, carrot (raw) scrambled egg and digestive/rich tea biscuit. I'm sure as I try lots more different foods with him the list will grow but this is how it stands as of now ;) I am pretty strict with not offering anything I consider too "junky". There are lots more that he eats but these are his favourites.



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Tyco's favorite by far are granola bars and canberry juice,brazil nuts,walnuts,life cereal,and pomagranate, She love scrambled eggs,brocolli,and romaine lettace the Romaine she also treats as a toy while she eats it. I give her a whole leaf and she shakes it and takes a bite smashes it and takes a bite and its so funny to watch she will beat the living crap out of the lettace leaf all the while eating it at the same time. Silly bird.

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Tucos_mom, that's real sweet. I've not tried nuts with Beau, I guess because they are already in his dried food but maybe I will.


Beau likes most things, he will also eat lettuce, raw cabbage, grapes and satsumas but isn't too keen on apple although he sometimes will have a nibble at one. It is so cute how they hold their food in their claw isn't it - ahhh bless.

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Finnigan's favorite treats that she doesn't get very much are butter and cheese. She is a monster if she sees these come out of the fridge. It's a site to see a grey stuck to the yellow butter tub refusing to let go of the lid. I can shake it (not too hard) and she holds tight, refusing to let go! My butter lid is pocked marked with holes and I have taken to putting something heavy on the tub of butter as soon as it comes out of the fridge because demon bird needs her butter fix and will come running as soon as she sees it. I do use small bits of cheese for training, as she won't work for anything else. She loves sesame oat sticks with a preference to ones that have been dipped and baked in honey, so its got a sweet glaze. She also has a passion for hot dogs. She eats all the other stuff...apples, carrots and such, but those are regular meal items and her opinion not worthy of her "treat" list.;)

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Mesa's favs are:


Her mash, cauliflower steamed, broccoli steamed, papaya, canteloupe, green peas & green beans raw, nuts of any variety, apples, carrots steamed, yam or sweet potato. There is an equally long list of things she "tolerates" and "dislikes". :)

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Cleo loves raw corn on the cob, apples (peeled and cut into bite sized chunks please), boiled carrot (skin off thank you very much), grapes, potato and any sort of cracker.


Broccoli sends her running to the other side of her cage, and any kind of oatmeal just gets flung around for fun.

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:laugh: Thanks for all the replies guys. Some of these foods I had no idea parrots would like - dairy products for instance and hot dogs? What's that all about lol!?


Having read some of the replies I went out and bought Beau some pine nuts as they seem to be very popular with some of the grey's on here. Beau? Forget it, not interested! :laugh:

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Joolesgreyuk, just to clarify, hot dogs and dairy products are not a regular meal item. These are only given as occassional treats, as they really are not good for them. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and a pelleted and seed diet are Finnigans mainstays with only the treats that are not good for her given very sparingly (sometimes she doesn't see a hot dog for months) and things like the seseme sticks given more often.

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Funny so many like pine nuts and I haven't been able to get Tobie to try those. He is a meat eater even though I have to limit it. Fish, hamburger, rib eye steak, eggs are a big favorite. On the more healthy side, grapes apples and very occasionally cheeze. I read on the forum that someones bird ate palm oil right off the side of his bowl. I tried that and Tobie loves his plane old palm oil off the side of his bowl.

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Just found out Cleo loves meat too. I was making a stir fry and had strips of beef on a plate. Madam decided to help herself and wolfed down a few pieces of raw meat. She also loves cooked chicken. I asked her if she felt guilty about eating a distant cousin, but she did not seem bothered at all...

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Great question!


My last bird Nelson's favorite treats were unsalted peanuts in the shell. And pizza crust!!!! That silly bird could spot a pizza box from a great distance and he'd go nuts dancing, begging and pacing. He also loved cheese, cheddar, american and peperjack. Grapes, he LOVED grapes - he'd slurp all the juice out of them until they were just a skin and liked apples too. If I was drinking milk, he'd grab the glass and pull it to him. He'd slurp up milk and I had to "cut him off" before he drank too much. "Hi, my name is Nelson and I'm a milkaholic". I guess its good I didn't drink milk that often. Beyond that, he loved food especially if we were having it for dinner. I always fixed him a small portions. The list goes on and on. What interestinf is when I got him from the petstore ALL he would eat was Sunflower seeds - NOTHING else!


After 9 days of owning Sam, or uhhhhh, Sam owning me, I've biscovered he likes unsalted peanuts in the shell, apples and red bell pepper. His previous owner said he didn't like veggies but I'm finding that to be untrue. He just gobbled up some pasta we had for dinner, and a few days ago he enjoyed his first piece of pizza crust. I'm still learning with him.



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Schrodinger loves tearing apart (unsalted) peanuts in the shell (and I enjoy watching her). Previously, she would toss the peanuts aside, but I was eating some with her nearby and showing her that there are good bits inside, now she keeps asking for more!


She also loves chicken nuggets (*REAL* chicken, not that over processed stuff McDonalds sells, lol).

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