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Getting so big!


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Well my little Ecko is doing really good, He turned 6 weeks today and gained the most he EVER has from one morning to the next....He gained a whopping 13 GRAMS! lol, he is so cute, he is already trying to perch. And already playing with toys! I didnt know they would play with toys so early! I will post some 6 week old pics this afternoon :P

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Oh I remember that 5 weeks ago whe they are staring to get so curious about everything. Its so much fun and such a blessing to raise your own baby. I know that it doesn't matter weather or not you or the breeder hand feeds the baby will still bond to you after its been weaned but the bond I feel towards my little one is just so intense because I raised her from a featherless little baby. She is like my own human baby the bond is unconditional love But they grow up to darn fast. enjoy your baby it won't be long til he/she won't need you as much. my baby is starting to wean now and she wants so badly to eat on her own. she still takes 2 1/4 feedings a day but that morning feeding gets harder and harder to give her. I guess a couple more weeks and the hand feeding will be done I going to really miss it. Its such a bonding time for us.:( :cheer:

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Thanks :) I was wondering, When should I start putting the Weaning pellets in with him, Along with fruits and veggies? Yesterday I grinded up some carrots in the food processor so that it was like mush or baby food, and put some on the tip of my finger and he nibbled it off, is this ok? or should I not do that?

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I put a dish of dry cockateil size pellets zupreem fruity in his box in a small dish around 6or7 weeks she loved to crunch them up I don't know if she actually eat any but she sure liked chewing them into powder I asked my vet about it and she said it was good practice for her for weaning time.

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