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friendly grey suddenly very aggressive


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Hi, my cag cleo has always bonded with me very well, really loving. Unforunately, I have had issues lately with having a place to live n so she has ended up staying at my bfs. This was find, whenever I had the money I would visit her, she was fine. Now about a wrk ago she started to attack me, even when I was doing something else she was take the time n effort to come over to me and draw blood everytime. I was not expecting it and it upset me so badly I had to leave, she is 18months old and has never attacked me! I have had a few lil bites before when she didn't want to go back in her cage but not like this. The next time I saw her she wouldn't let me near her in the cage, sometimes she would put her head down n I could stroke her but then suddenly she lifts her head n starts attacking. I cannot go near her n if given the chance she comes over n attacks me. Bare in mind she is fine with my bf, he can for anything with her, she has always mainly preferred men but I've had her since she was just weaned. Shewill accept food from me n doesn't sqawk when I go near her but ruffles her feathers n lunges for attack. The last time I saw her she was fine with me, completely fine, my bf had left the room, we thought this may have has something to do with it. She whistled n talked to me and let me stroke her n played, about 10 minutes after my bf came back she just walked upto my arm n attacked multiple times n drew blood. I made my bf leave but she was still the same n it took him 1hour to get her back in her cage, I couldn't be of any help :-( I don't know what to do! Why Is she like this? I've heard of parrots biting for attention n maybe she feels cuz I haven't been able to be there as much that I haven't given her enough attention but when I try to do so I get bitten. People keep asking me if it's time to sell her cuz I haven't had anywhere stable to keep her, I never intended it to be like this, it happened of a bad break up n I was left with nowhere to really go. Now in two weeks I have somewhere to live n cleo can come with but I'm feeling so distant from her I duno what to do. I'm terrified of her tho I try to not show it. She's never been like this with me, is she punishing me for not being there enough?? But why would she let me pet her for abit before biting? Please help! :-(

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I'm with we now, she was fine with me for 10minutes through the cage and has just started attacking again. My bf is with mr. I'm not doing anything different since I've been here. Why is she ok then attacks? I just don't get it at all! I'm so upset

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I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I don't think that she is punishing you, I don't think parrots think like that. She probably associates you with the disruption to her routine, her flock, and her life. She could also be trying to protect her territory with the bf, if she has chosen him to be her one and only. If you have a permanent place to go and take her to soon, I would just keep visiting her, leave her in her cage if she is uncomfortable and just talk to her. Take her with you and start from scratch with her, as if she is a brand new bird to you. I think you will have to re-earn her trust. Don't give up, it will all work out with love and patience.

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