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No white blood cells


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My baby grey of 11 months spent the night at the hospital after we rushed him in due to his very unusual behavior. He was extremely quite for 3 days and until i noticed that he was dozing off on his perch several times that i realized that he is not being moody and something is wrong that i called the veterinary hospital and she told me to bring him in as soon as possible. After examination the doctor decided to do the following tests:


- Bacteriology

- Cytology

- Haematology

- Biochemistry

- Radiology


He also gave him a shot of anti-biotic and vitamins, it was adviced that he stays at the hospital for supervision until we get the results the next day.


I would also like to bring to your attention that I was away on vacation for 12 days and during that time my father took care of him and he already knows how to handle him and what are the foods he likes and the foods which are bad for him. After i came back he was very hyper and happy to see me even the next day he was fine he even woke me up in the morning by immitating a knock on the door then calling out my name. As for the next 3 days as i mentioned he was very quiet and refused to step up instead he would put his head down and i would give him a scratch. I thought it was because i was away all this time and he was giving me some of his attitude! because there are times when he likes to be left alone but not for long usually he loves bieng out.


I got a call from the hospital this morning and he doesnt have much time since his blood count results came back and there are no white blood cells in the count at all due to a virus and as the doctor explained there is no cure and nothing we can do for him and usually they last a few hours or a few days after diagnosis. I am still in shock and i dont know what to do- that is if there is anything i CAN do and there must be something.


So please i ask anyone with knowledge about this case to share it with me.


Thank You



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OMG you poor thing and your poor sweet baby. I so hope and pray for a mirical. I will pray hard and ask God to touch your sweet grey and heal him. I'm so sorry to hear this and I don't know what else to tell you ask yor vet if there is anything he could do or try that might work. Again my heart goes out to you.

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Sirocco was put to sleep this afternoon,the diagnosis asi forgot to mention previously is PBFD beak and feather disease, he is in a better place now, it reached to a point that he was too weak to perch and was vomiting everything he ate I am shocked how his condition deteriorated so rapidly and he has been carrying it all this time!! and there was nothing we could do but end his misery. I am gonna miss him...

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Noor, I am at a loss what to say.


I cant even imagine the pain you are feeling at this moment but I just wanted you to know that I am so sorry for the loss of your baby.


I will be thinking of you and hope that time will be a great healer.


May your baby fly free at rainbow bridge.



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My heartfelt condolences to you. I recently lost my bird too and I know how much it hurts. Healing the heart takes time. In the meantime be strong and brave and remember the good times you had and that love transcends all and lives forever. There's a reason for everything.

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Oh Noor, I am so sorry to hear about Sirocco! PBFD is such a horrible disease. You must be completely devastated. I know there is nothing I can say that will help you feel better right now. Please know that we are with you in your grief. At least you can take comfort in knowing that Sirocco was loved and he knew it.

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