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My baby hatched!-----UPDATED

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I just got word today that my CAG has hatched! I am so excited and can hardly wait for the 12-14 weeks it will take for him/her to get here. It will be hand fed after 3 weeks. I have asked the breeder to cuddle with a towel and show it new things every day. I have also asked for it to be introduced to a harness and carrier when the time is right.


I am experienced with birds. Not only am I a volunteer zoo keepers aid in the local Zoo Aviary, I have a flock of my own at home. I have a Sun conure, yellow nape amazon, and a cockatiel.


Now to pick a name!

Got to get the right cage!

Tons of toys!

another gym to make!



Any advice?


Orphan<br><br>Post edited by: orphan1965, at: 2009/05/11 02:09

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Congratulations orphan on your new baby. Will you have a dna test done before you find a name? Its great that you have a great relationship with the breeder. Are you close enough to be able to visit often? As you can tell we like details around here. We also have an "Other Bird" room so you can talk to others about all your flock and post their pictures. If your breeder will be e-mailing or you get to take some pictures of your new baby, we would love to see them. Welcome to the family.

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Hello Orphan and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby grey, congrats on it hatching.


Yes now the wait for that baby to be handfed and weaned, the next 12 to14 weeks or so will seem like forever but the day will come and then it will be forever and it will all be worth it.


I also have a sun conure named Sunny, she is spoiled rotten and is a shoulder ornament when I am at home. Her and my grey Josey are the only parrots I own, I would like to have another or two but I don't want to spread myself too thin.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Is your baby close enough to go visit while it is being handfed? If so try to get us a picture to share with us.

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My baby is in upstate NY and I am in Central Florida. So unfortunatly I will not be able to visit. The breeder is a family friend. My dad who also breeds Amazons is also there and will be the one who actually hand feeds my baby after about 4 weeks of age.

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Welcome Orphan and congratulations!!! We got our baby from out of state as well and couldn't visit him beforehand, so I feel ya there. That's really great that he/she will be with people that you know and trust...such an anxious-making ordeal when you get a baby from someone you don't know. Can't wait to see lots of squishy baby pictures when you get them!!B)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Update on my baby CAG!


He/She is now 7 weeks old. (S)he is now eating some fresh apple and playing with other foods. (S)he has been introduced to broccoli, cheerios, and other healthy foods. (S)he is being cuddled after meals with a towel. Doing well and chattering. (S)he is on 3 feedings a day. Her little red tail feathers are about an inch long now. I do not have pictures yet! Soon though I am promised! My breeder does NOT force wean. She will force me to wait instead! I am glad for that! I have been reading lots, and plan to get a cage soon.

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