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The $300 Toy for Parrots


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Just in case anyone ever wondered about this, a parrot's tongue can successfully and accurately navigate the touch screen of an iPod or iPhone. Sierra spent a good 5 minutes today clicking and moving widgets around the screen. Unfortunately, her search for "Arfru" on the Internet Movie Database turned up no results. :)


Of course for $300, you'd think it could hold her interest for more than 5 minutes. She's now busy trying to get the lovebird on the front cover of the latest Bird Talk magazine to play with her.


FYI. The author of this post is not responsible for beak marks on your iPhone or iPod!

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Yes I do know about a parrots tongue and my Iphone Adaya figured out how to work mine a week after I got her she was only 6 weeks old and it definatley held her intrest for mor than 5 mnutes at that age. that is until it rang and she ran to mommy just as fast as her little legs could carry her. Everytime I thought about that I laughed again It was so funny.

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