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is it a cold ?


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hi there my name is ceri and my greys name is charlie,

we are new to this site and i was looking for some advise,

charlie is about a year old and he seems to have a bit of the sniffles or what sounds like a cold just wondering if they do get colds also i did notice that one of his nostrils were blocked but i seemed to have cleared this now by spraying him with water but still seems to have the sniffles.



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Yes, they can get respiratory illnesses that will appear as cold type symptoms. Sneezing and sniffles and be signs of that. We went thru that with our grey. He did need to be put on antibiotics for 10 days to clear it up. I would definitely take him to the vet as soon as you are able.


Greys hide their illness very well, and if you see signs, then you should take him to an avian vet to be safe.

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Hi Ceri,


I had a ring-necked parakeet that had a really snuffly, blocked nose. I'd definintely get it checked out at the vets, to be on the safe side, but in Cookie's case, he was allergic to the cheap parrot food I was buying for him - apparently it can have mould that makes them develop allergies. On the advice of my vet, I switched him to Harrisons, and it cleared up almost immediately. So what are you feeding Charlie? It COULD be an allergy



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thanks for the advice everyone,

Harrison's seed is what i have always fed Charlie just wondering should i give a tonic or something as well in Charlie's drinking water,


thanks...............ceri<br><br>Post edited by: charlie666, at: 2007/06/22 00:11

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I would just stick with the water. I'm not sure what you mean by tonic? But nothing should be added to his water unless your vet okays it in my opnion.


We do give our grey watered doen juice, and she loves it, just for a variety.:)

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Guest Lidia

Hi Ceri,

Just read your post now. There are a few possibilities for the sniffles, but first, make sure you don't spray Charlie in the nostrils, this can cause health problems and it makes them very uncomfortable. If you make a habit of spraying him directly in the face he may develop various problems, including water phobia.

So, the sniffles. Is someone around around him sniffing? He could be copying them if this is the case. Joshua joins in with sneezing, sniffing, coughing, etc. You only have to take a tissue in your hand for him to say "AAAAAAATCHOOOOOO". You should hear what he does with a cough.

Also, when you said one of his nostrils seemed to be blocked, what precisely do you mean? There is often powder in the nostrils, and only a pinprick of a hole, this is quite normal. Infection would be obvious as it would manifest as snotty and/or congealed material.


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