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Hi from Vancouver Island

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Hi Everyone,

I am owned by my 2 birds.... a Green Cheek Conure and an CAG.


I have had both for about a year and a half now. I had birds in my life all my life... Between a Cocketeil, Java Sparrow, and a Mustache Parakeet.

This is my second Green Cheek as my first one was only with me for 2 weeks and I found him on the bottom of the cage. The vet said he must have gotten scared as we were having 5 days of storm weather. Sad, so this one is the replacement bird. The breeder did not even charge me for the second bird as he felt so bad... was not his fault, the little guy was healthy.

We are the second home for our 5 year old Grey. He is a very nervous bird and the day he came to live with us, was the day he started picking. So I have a bare bum bird with no red feathers.

Over the last year I have been working with him, and trying to get his feathers back. I am hoping it will change soon. I see progress and then it starts again...

One day I say...

Because of my CAG demands on toys, and the amount of friends I have with birds that need toys, I have recently started selling the toys I make to the community of birds friends I have. It all started with me making a few willow wreaths..... it always does... lol


Anyways, just thought I would join in to get some info and thoughts....


Cheers, Ginger

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Hi Ginger, welcome to the family, karma to you for re-homing an older grey. What is his name? We have a handmade toy thread so if you have any toys you have made that you would like to share that's the place to post them. Several of our members are great toymakers. From your Avatar your grey is very handsome, if you have any other pictures you would like to share, we would love to see them. Can't wait to hear more about your grey!!

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Hello Ginger and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and grey, btw what is his name?


That was great that you could open your heart to an older grey in need of a good home but sorry to hear he started plucking himself. The change to a different home with different owners has brought about this and not a whole lot you can do to stop it. I assumed he has been checked out by an avian vet to make sure it is not any physical reasons for it.


He needs plenty of things to keep him busy and maybe providing foraging opportunities might help with that too, some members here do that to make their greys have to find some of their food, keeps them busy.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your birds especially the grey you would share with us we would be most grateful.

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Thanks for both replies....


My grey's name is Clueso, I tend to call him ClueClue for some reason, cuter I guess.

He has been to the vet, I weigh him every 2 weeks to make sure he is at a healthy weight.

I actually have been reading this forum for some time now and figured what a better place to share, ask questions and become an expert myself.


Unfortunately for Clueso and myself it has been a learning experience for both of us... but we have a special bond and I will not stop trying until I see a full tail spred again.

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Hi there I was raised on Vancouver Island and one day mabie I'll go back. I was going to go back 2yrs ago when I sold my house but my kids talked me out of it. They said that I couldn't because I had my first 2 grandkids on the way and it was to far and the ferry cost to much to visit to often. so instead I moved about 25 miles away to a little place called Deroche It reminds me of where I grew up I was raised in Lake Cowichan anyway I glad you've joined our little family and I look forward to getting to know you and your birds. I have a GCC myself and 2 congo African Greys I Rescued Tyco at 4 yrs old and Adaya I just got she was 5weeks old when I brought her home and now she is about 12 weeks old.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/04/20 15:46

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