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Not eating


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Hi everyone!

I have a male CAG who lost his mate yesterday, I used to keep them outside buy moved him into the house after the one died so last night was his first night. When I bought him I was told he's semi tame but when I started talking to him in the pet shop the woman said "u can't do that they won't respond" anyway since moving him to the house he has sat on my shoulder and not growled etc and has been relaxed although he hasn't eaten any of his food, he has tho eaten our food, carrots potato chicken pizza chillie but not much, he seems ok in himself does anyone have any idea what the problem could b?

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Greysare the type of bird that stays with only one bird( mating wise) and when one dies, they go through a grieving period. It's best that you now interact with your bird constantly. Sometimes, they won't eat for quite a while. Make sure any of the food you give right now is the type that it immediately takes to.

All of this can happen when you have a male with a male or female with a female. They don't have to be sexually involved.

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Thanks for your reply, I have been giving him lots of attention, I have been singing with him he's been joining in and dancing and he's been sat on the sofa laughing. He also makes a clicking sound with his beak what's this mean? And he like dips down an slightly opens his wings and beats them gently if u know what I mean? Why does he do this? And lastnight he kept opening his mouth really wide like a yawn but he kept doing it, what's that?

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Well, from what you say now, it doesn't sound as bad as you said. Grieving means that they wanna be totally alone, they get moody, they cease most of their habits. They get unusually ni[ppy when disturbed Your bird is already playing, wants to be petted, laughing, going through an action that has to do with him being sexually stimulated ( wings opened--dipping down)Clicking, another petting sound.


I doubt that there's anything wrong with your bird at all. Especially since he's doing all these things a day after the other one died.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/19 21:41

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Thanks for that, I had read that the beak clicks mean they want to bite but he seems to do it when he's getting attention, he also makes a kind of raspy hissy wheezy sound usally when he's about to say something. He seems to be itching his back often to, could this b mites?

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well, let me just say this about mites-----recently, we went through a big crazy thread concerning mites. It's something that birds rarely get and situations have to be in an extreme certain way in order for that to happen. The whole thing started off with seeing a black bug one day even though mites aren't easily visible and the thread eventually got into an area where lots of guess work was being offered. Then, different kinds of mites were talked about. The problem could have been solved by simply going to another vet which eventually was done and the vet said no mites were present nor had they ever been present. Plus he named off the problem quickly. Little did we know that the original vet didn't know much about birds.

So, to get back to what you asked, I doubt he has mites. He may have some dry areas which are irritating him because of surrounding weather, the possible time when molting is just around the corner. etc. All parrots do what your parrot is doing and they do it all year long.

As far as the sound-----

Clicking is a body language sound when a bird has intentions of biting for it's own reasons.

Clucking is the sound that has to do with comfort, calm reactions to things, possible petting or a warning sign that a bird is walking over to be with you and just wanna sit on your knee or arm.

There is a difference between the two sound wise, but it's not vey different from each other so when your bird is making that sound and affection on his part follows, he's not clicking. he's clucking.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/04/19 23:22

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