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hamster chocolate drops


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i have a 8 yr old CAG who i am trying to train, i heard ur supposed to reward them when they do something right however my grey wont accept monkey nuts or any parrot food as a reward, so is it ok to give something like hamster chocolat drops as i know they cant eat real chocolate either? just a question sorry if it sounds stupid bu im fairley new to this and havent found anything relating to this.


also i haven had him very long and he can say a few words, at the age of 8 do u hink he will learn anything else?


and apart from talking what else can i teach him to do, he can shake hands.


also how can i stop him biting as it hurts and i feel rejected!


any advice regarding anyhing would be much appreciated!

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rayyan wrote:

also i haven had him very long and he can say a few words, at the age of 8 do u hink he will learn anything else?


I'm sure he will. It will probably take a while for him to get used to the new home, but it's likely that as he gets more comfortable he will get more vocal and will pick up new sounds and words (and as Murphy dictates it will likely be the sounds and words you DON'T want him to pick up (like alarms)) :o)


and apart from talking what else can i teach him to do, he can shake hands.


Before you can really teach him anything, you need to build a trusting relationship and bond. That said, Grey's are extremely intelligent.


also how can i stop him biting as it hurts and i feel rejected!


Get used to it! Be gentle, don't try to rush him, give him time, and allow him to bond to you. You WILL get bitten. The more time you spend and stronger the bond and trust, the less likely you are to get bitten.


Keep in mind, parrots are prey animals and anything that makes them feel threatened, uncomfortable, scared, etc. can activate those prey instincts and cause them to bite.


There are other threads that talk about biting as well. I've been bitten by birds both big and small, birds that are mine, and others' birds. Usually it hurts, sometimes it bleeds, but I consider it part of the price of having the privilege to live with these amazing creatures. Most of the time, in hindsight, I did something to provoke them.

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