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In front of strangers?


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Do your parrots talk in front of strangers? Mine definitely don't. At home they are quite the chatterboxes. If it weren't for my videos on youtube and the sound of them yakking when I am on the phone.. my friends would not believe that Emma says the things she does. When visitors are over, they are as quiet as bunnies and just look like birds on a stick.:lol:

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For the most part Josey is the same, won't talk in front of others but she has talked a little when I took her to work but the others were in the next room and she couldn't see them so they heard her say a few words. I'm just thankful that she talks in front of us for some have greys who won't.

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It was very rare for Nelson to talk when strangers were in the house - especially if they were near his cage and paying attention to him. My best bet was to get them to move away and ignore him for a while. Then sometimes I could get him to respond to my cues. Easy ones were calling the kitties or asking him what a baby bird says. Those were two he loved responding to. Even then it was pretty hit and miss.



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Our 2 talk in front of strangers, but not right away. If someone is over the birds watch them for maybe 10min and then when they feel comforatable they start chattering.


My friends think it is so funny especially when Rangi says "what's your name" "my name is Rangi". Once when we had them outside the neighbours were getting in the car and Rangi yells over "see you later, are you coming back soon".

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I'm the only person Dorian will talk in front of, although he has let a 'hello' slip to someone else a couple of times. When he was in the store he would freeze and clam up completely, doing his best impression of a grey statue. Then, when the customers left, he'd say "Does he talk?":lol:

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That is hysterical, Acapella!! "Does he talk", indeed!


Maxi almost never talks in front of strangers, in fact she mostly just taks to me. My daughter Mary isn't even sure I'm not making up some of the things I have heard Max say. I know it's all about comfort, tho. I'm the one Max sees the most of, so she tries out her new stuff on me...

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Sierra and Rigel tend to go silent when someone they've never seen shows up. After a little time goes by and the threat level is reduced Rigel goes through every sound and word he knows. Prior to that, he'll just whisper to me where nobody can hear. "Come here", "Step Up".

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Tobie is generally quiet when strangers are in the house too. I made the same comment to a friend about you tube videos. It is the only way that anyone but my husband and myself will ever see what a cutie Tobie is. I guess that's why he has so many videos. It's a shame they won't show off around strangers.


Are your videos under Lovethatgrey on you tube?<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/04/20 04:41

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I usually put Tyco in my room when there are allot of people around and the kitchen is right next to my room so you can hear her she calls me MOM MOM whoops a daisy I need my toys pick up my toys. mom, mom comere mom. as long as she doesn't see the people she will talk her head off. I've been asked so many times who that is. or people say aren't yo going to help your child can't you hear her calling you because when Tyco calls me she call me in my daughters voice. The when I say oh that just my bird talking they won't beleive me till I show them that the only being in the bedroom is Tyco.:laugh:

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