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Close call


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As we were walking past some shops this early morning, a lady was opening her shop. The noise from the pulling up of the roller shutter frightened Koko. Koko panicked and she flew circling me a few rounds and landed on the road. As I picked her up, a stray cat suddenly appeared from nowhere and nearly pounced on her. The cat missed Koko by inches otherwise Koko would have been wounded by the cat.


Koko's scream attracted a flock of crows and the crows came surrounding us from above. Luckily, Koko was alright. She had her favorite egg for breakfast when we reached home. She was her usual self and didn't blame me for the incident.<br><br>Post edited by: dhorje, at: 2009/04/19 13:46

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Oh Sanggay, you just voiced my two worst fears about taking Ana Grey any further then my yard. Not only a frightful incident but a hunter as well in the same breathe. Thank God all is well for your precious Koko. It is a reminder of how diligent we must be with our greys, as if they were small children; always watchful. Thank you for sharing this story with us.

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Koko was lucky to have dodged the bullet. She may not survive as there is no avian vet in the city I am staying.


Koko was scared when the cat pounced on her. The crows frightened her too. And I was worried that Koko would blame me for that and losing trust in me.


I am glad Koko sees me as a protector.


It happened a couple of times Koko just flew off screaming when we were on that street. She seemed to hear or see something that I couldn't. I guess I will not walk her on that street again.<br><br>Post edited by: dhorje, at: 2009/04/19 13:47

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Wow. That sure was a close call :( Accidents hide in small corners as they say... I am happy she got out of it unhurt (good idea not walking that street anymore).

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My Grey is always on harness when we are out. Koko is not free flight trained.......yet.


I took her out to the playground this evening. She enjoyed being at the playground more than the walk along the shops. She didn't want to go home.

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This is a greyt illustration of the need for a harness. Not only did it keep her from flying off, she was no further away than the length of the harness, which let you get to her in time. You're obviously a good parront. So glad everything turned out well.

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I don't mean to scold you but you need to be more careful of where you take Koko when you go out, walking along a busy street is not the place to take her, the playground was more sensible. Koko is depending on you to keep her safe, she is entrusing you with her life so don't put her in unnecessary risk. End of sermon.

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I hope the the cats calws didn't scratch her in anyway because if so she needs to see a vet you said the cat pounced on her I would get her checked out just in case. cats claws can kill your bird just as fast as their teeth their claws carry poison as well.

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I took Shanti to the beach yesterday in the Adventure Pack. He cannot fly yet, but I still take every precaution. The AP is ultra-secure with two locks and the cloth backpack over the door side.


The backpack is an enclosure, so it's not absolute freedom, but Shanti gets to breath fresh air, get some sun, move about and see the natural world in all its beauty and with plenty of other wildlife, while remaining a safe distance.

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judygram wrote:

I don't mean to scold you but you need to be more careful of where you take Koko when you go out, walking along a busy street is not the place to take her, the playground was more sensible. Koko is depending on you to keep her safe, she is entrusing you with her life so don't put her in unnecessary risk. End of sermon.


It was an early Sunday morning. The street was very quiet. Never expected someone would come so early to open her shop.


The reason why I took Koko out to different places was to have more exposure for her. I want her to overcome her nervousness at new places and also to meet new people. Koko is more sociable now. She is allowing some strangers to touch her.

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I think you handled it very well, dhorje. There also are people that freeze in the eye of danger (for themselves or pets) but you reacted instinctively.

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I have to say that I don't think people post here to be scolded ...sorry, but Dhorje shared an experience, that each of us can learn from. I understand that we all love our greys, but if we continually preach to people who post something that happened that wasn't positive, we will not have a healthy exchange of experiences and ideas of what to do if something bad does happen. We can learn from experiences as a group and I believe that people will be less inclined to share if we try to tell them how to behave, what their responsabilities are, and what they should and should not do (unless it's an obviously abusive situation). Just my two cents.

And I'm glad that everything worked out Dhoje, and I have now thought about some of the things that might scare Finnigan, that I would not have thought of if you had not shared your story. Thanks.

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