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Is Sully a boy or girl cockatiel?


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This is just a curiousity thing... plus if I ever get another tiel in the far away future I'd like to avoid breeding.


I thought when I brought her home that Sully was a boy (she has bright orange cheeks).

But the vet said that she had barring patterns on the underside of her wingfeathers and on her tailfeathers like only female tiels do.


Here's the thing:

She acts a lot like a boy cockatiel


She will:

-whistle for her reflection

-struts around with her wings out in a heart-shape while whistling

-she will rub her butt on my hand and tread her feet, while I've been told that female birds will back into corners and lift their tails when exhibiting breeding behaviours


However she is also:

-Very quiet unless she's trying to display for me

-And does have the barring pattern like the vet said


What do you guys think?

Here's a pic (ain't she a cutie-pie? don't mind the dusty TV, it was cleaning day...)

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How old is Sully.Young grey tiels look like girls untill around 9 months or so and have a molt.It does sound like male behaviour you discribe but all are individuals.I would need a photo to be sure. Female tiels are usually quieter,less vocal and the males are very vocal and lively,strutting along a perch and it is said the females dont talk.My old female never talked but both the males did,very well infact.

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  • 2 months later...

ok, I know this is an old thread that pretty much died BUT I managed to find a pic of sully (sorry it's only a head profile--I'd take another but I had my cellphone in the pocket of my shorts when I jumped in a friend's hot tub and forgot about it for an hour--so the camera function is pretty much useless). any thoughts?

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:) Greetings, Sully appears to be a pied/split tiel, How old is Sully? Sometimes a Male tiel can have barring up till a year old! Mostly males sing more than a simple note or two. We have a female that sings as good as any male, even looks like a male, didn't know till she laid eggs. They don't become mature till some where after a year old...

Jay and Maggie:lol:

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