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Thanks you guys, Makes me feel better that you all think he looks good, I just get so paranoid that I am going to do something wrong! haha I guess thats better than not caring though :)


Now that I know how to post pics, I will post more of him as he grows...I cant believe the change in him already! from the 1st pic at 4 weeks, to this week at 5 and 1/2...He gaines another 9 ounces last night! yay! That makes me feel good too!


And I love seeing pics of all your babies too! (not just baby babies, but you know, no matter how old they are they are your babies ;) )


Thanks again for putting up with all my "new to the GREY world" questions hehehe

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They are all great pics of your little Echo! Can't wait to see more as he gets bigger. Did you try putting him in the cage to see if he likes it? I thought he was a little older than that so you should probally keep him in the brooder, which I'm pretty sure you do. :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/04/17 17:23

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