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You should be using a different method of feeding a 5 wk old bird. It's called *abundance feeding*

First of all, go up to 4 feedings a day. When your bird finishes that 1 spoon of formula, immediately offer another spoon full. If your bird continues to eat that it's because it actually needs it. Birds don't overfeed themselves. Offer as much as the bird will take at one feeding. When the time comes for the next feeding repeat the process all over again. Eventually, the bird will refuse a certain amount or part of food which will tell you to decrease the amount used in that particular feeding. Do the same thing at each feeding. Eventually, the bird will refuse the whole feeding which will tell you to lessen that feeding schedule by one. Continue using that method until the bird eventually refuses the next formula feeding. Then lessen the feeding by one. Eventually, the bird will get down to only taking one feeding. That's the time to be adding other items to the diet that have nothing to do with formula. Those items should include some vegetables, some fruits, some parrot mix, some cereal and some pellets. Going by this whole method guarantees that your bird is getting all the formula and other foods it needs.


To sum it up----let the bird decide when it doesn't want a feeding. Don't make that judgment for the bird in case you've been reading about the exact times a bird's feeding should be decreased.

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thanks for posting this! it's really helpful for me (someone who knows nothing about weaning!) i was getting a little worried because my little guy didn't seem to be refusing anything, and seemed to still be hungry after i was done feeding the 40cc. (the breeder said DO NOT feed more than this otherwise i'd stretch the crop) he's finally begining to refuse some of his formula (so far it's only when he's got about 5cc left but it's something!) with all the reading i've done lately i think the breeder i got mine from has some more learning to do! so thanks!!

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