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Just Adopted Meko


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I am new to this site - We just adopted Meko, he is 3 years old and took to the family right away. He seems to be well socialized, he is speaking and steps up on command. We got one week ago today, and he just started biting yesterday. It's not a "beaking" its a "biting". Once he steps up then he will cock his head and bite down on my thumb or fingers. I am trying just not to respond...can I get some opinions of the best method to end the behavior and or possible causes?


Thanks so much,


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Hello Jessi and welcome to the forum! That is great that Meko has adjusted to you so well, some people aren't that lucky. If he bites you, you should calmly tell him no bite and put him back in his cage for a short "time out"(maybe 5 mins.) and maybe he will get the picture that it is not nice to bite. And the next time you pick him up and he doesn't bite give him a treat or lots of praises so that he knows he did good. I hope this helps a little. Anyways enjoy the forum and maybe post some pics of Meko if you get a chance, we love to see pictures. :)

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Also if he bites while on your hand try the "earthquake", you can roll your hand back and forth or just dropp a couple inches, he will lose his balance and concentrate on righting himself rather then biting. he will soon learn biting while on your hand does not work out well.

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Thanks for the tips - they both sound perfect! I hadn't heard of the earthquake roll before...


Meko is our first "big bird" we have many exotic pets and a quaker named Bella.


Here are some pics of them...the picture of Meko is on his first day home :)

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I am so jealous, I can't even swim :ohmy:. Congratulations on your accomplishement!!! I did go snorkeling in Thailand it was beautiful and of course everyone laughed at the snorkeler in the life vest, and of course I didn't see all everyone else did, but I loved it!!!!:cheer:

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That is what I did with my Quaker and it worked really well. But Meko just bites my other hand :( Bella (my quaker) has been with us since January and is about the sweetest thing ever now. No more biting at all.


I also think he isn't getting enough sleep.We have adjusted his schedule to in bed by 10 and up at 8...the problem is he is making all kinds of noise under there this morning - he knows I'm up...

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luvparrots wrote:

I am so jealous, I can't even swim :ohmy:. Congratulations on your accomplishement!!! I did go snorkeling in Thailand it was beautiful and of course everyone laughed at the snorkeler in the life vest, and of course I didn't see all everyone else did, but I loved it!!!!:cheer:


I actually just learned to swim when I was 28 (35 now) and I am pretty nervous around water. However I LOVE reefs and saltwater fish ( I have a 100 gallon tank too) so I overcame my fears and "dove it" so to speak. I must say I'm pretty proud of myself too ;P


Snorkeling is awesome and when I did it in Maui I had a "water weenie" under my arms so don't feel bad lol!

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