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I am really confused about the amount of times a day I should feed a 5 almost 6 week old baby grey, I posted with more detail in the nursery, but no one has responded...I have handfed before but not a grey, So just want to keep my self in check, so that I raise up my little guy right :P I wont go into as much detail as I need in the "nursery" room, But My baby has been on 3 feedings a day since he was 4 weeks, That is what the breeder had him on and told me to continue doing...But then I read they should be on 4, Im kind of freaking out, haha, I do trust my breeder, She has bred greys for over 20 years, but I am always learning new things, so, I just wanted some other opinions, or some reassurance that I am doing it right, haha Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it!! And sorry for so many questions!

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It doesn't matter as long as your baby gains some weight everyday then your ok. Ithink I answered your post in the nursury and caitb2000 is right about the amount. If you read the sticky on handfeeding in the nursury you will know the amounts and when you can expect to go down to 2 feedings a day.

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