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Gah! I wrote my post and then gave you karma, and then it dissapeared! I hope it doesn't show up twice now! You are my first Karma recipient!


I wanted to add that they are sweet, cuddly, funny lovebugs too.

They are also very clingy, and needy and louder than you could ever imagine, and if they are not happy, your neighbors a mile away will know. They are very hard to please. I have also spoken with a few "experts" in Toos and it is their opinion that they should never be kept as a house pet.


Thanks Lovethatgrey for posting that, there are so many sad situations that arise from people being ill-informed on these beautiful creatures. Anyone considering it should read, research, talk to experts and vets at their disposal, and then do it all over again before bringing one home. Rescues are over-run with Toos. :(

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the U2 I rescued and an trying to find a home for has been with me for about a month now. So far it is not as bad as I anticipated. If I had never read all the problem things about them on the internet I would be more inclined to keep her. But to tell you the truth I am afraid of the down the road problems. Poor baby, nobody wants her.:(

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I am so glad I read this post. Ok guys I took my sister in law to a bird breeder because she has been in love with my grey like forever. Of course I advised her on getting a grey, my favorite bird in the whole universe!!!! I was able to find her a gorgeous female 2 years old CAG. My sis in law wanted a baby grey but being this her first parrot I thought it was more appropriate for a weaned animal and in pristine shape and health. Turned out that my sis in law was too nervous and ended up being scared of the grey:(. At that point I didn't want to pressure her to take it because I wanted her to feel comfortable with her choice. So when we were about to walk out the guy says wait let me suggest another bird. He took us to the back of the shop and showed us 6 Goffin Cockatoo chicks fully feathered and semi weaned. My sister in law didn't like them really because she was stuck on getting a grey, but me I was love struck!!!!! I was holding them, hugging them, I mean my wife and sis in law were looking at me like this big baby in Toys R Us. When I asked the guy the price he said $600!!!! :ohmy: I found myself reaching for my pocket and I was going to take one home right there. My wife although she liked them she asked me to please think about it and that we weren't ready for it because we didn't have a cage or anywhere to accomodate it. After succumbing to my wife's advice I left without the bird:( I have been thinking about this for almost 2 weeks now, should I get a Goffins? Can you guys please provide advice and info on this gem of a critter and is $600 a good price? The guy told me they don't get as big and they are not so noisy as the Umbrella and less demanding.

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Goffins do not get as big,and are not as emotionally demanding, but they are demanding trouble makers. So far as as lous goes.....sure, they are less loud than a U2 or M2, but they can still drive you nuts. They can drive your grey nuts too. Be careful. You will not be able to leave the bird unattended for any length of time. If you leave your bird to go to the bathroom and the cage door is open, when you get back, you will have a mess to clean up. Stay on their cage? Why? The whole house is fun to chew on, see dad? Look, I made a nesting hole in your favorite chair. What do you mean I wasnt supposed to chew on moms new ring? The sparkely rocks ARENT supposed to come out? Oh......Huh, throwing the tea cup on the mantle across the room was a bad idea? But is made such a fun noise when it crashed into the wall...... Of course, they arent all like that....but the biggest trouble makers I have encounteres have been goffins and bare eyed toos. I hope you like babysitting.

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Boy that was laying it on the line there Jen but it is probably true. I don't have any experience with any kind of toos but I have been to the website mytoos.com and it really opens your eyes if you are even considering one. I used to want a rose breasted cockatoo but thankfully I talked myself out of it.


I would suggest anyone considering a too should think long and hard before plunking down good money for a bird they may well get rid of before a year's time has passed. I like watching them in the videos on utube and seeing pictures of them but that is about as far as I want to be to them.

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SchroedersJen wrote:

They are very fun bords, the life of the party. Id think long an hard about having a party in the house 24/7 though.


Right, I could party for a few hours then thats it, it would be the rest of the day that would be the death of me.:woohoo:

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Ok then I will consider.....but they are so darn cute;) The bird wouldn't be alone there is always someone in the house, my wife, mother in law, and the kids are on summer vacation so they are home. And who doesn't like to wake up at 7:00 am Sunday to the wonderful screams and squacks of a lovely bird? :pinch: Its music to my ears....:woohoo: Thanks for the advice guys;) Oh is $600 good price for one?

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This U2 I have only gets really active and loud in the evenings. Most of the day she plays on her huge playstand. I cover her cage for sleep and night and she does not make a sound until I go in and uncover her the next morning. No early wake up call here.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/17 12:35

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JAMES_CARRIE.jpg my boyfriend's parents have a Goffin her name is carrie, she is an awesome clever mischievious vengeful 'too lol she is "married" to my boyfriend no one understands her like him.. she is ok with me but her bites really hurt, and in my expierence goffins have a sound all there own, its a little high pitched and always the saaammmee Carrie is a clown don't get me wrong.... I love her but they/she is not for me<br><br>Post edited by: JJsHoney, at: 2009/06/25 04:33
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This is a topic very close to my heart... one that is both very MAD and very Happy...

Long story short - My first tame bird that I really fell in love with was a female Mollucan(paid $500 w/cage in '87)who was very quiet and tame and a very unscrupulouse(SP??) bird breeder stole her... fast forward within 1 year I had purchased 2 more too's - BOTH of which could screem sooooo loud and long you could not hear downstairs with the tv 3/4 volume!!! It defied anything I have heard in my 46 years!! Sooo... would I suggest buying a cockatoo unless you are REALLLLLYYYY knowledgable?? NO!!! I say that with great pain as I had one that was trully incredible from a companion perspective and I have missed her alot but I have given up finding another because If I'm wrong and they are a screamer, I would have to get rid of them due to noise and that is wrong in my eyes. The Cockatoo is TRULY incredible in many ways!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ernzzz you are so right about the demands of these birds. I also had wanted a U2 before getting Dixie, but had talked myself out of it by going to the mytoos site and reading, and reading, and reading. It broke my heart, and I couldn't make myself give into the my wishes just because they are pretty.


I ended up with a U2 anyhow, go figure, I guess it was meant to be. I adopted Sterling on 7/4 and so far (yes we're still in the honeymoon stage) all is well. We have our days and it gets frustrating at times for my son, but he and I are learning more and more everyday about the demands this bird has as well the rewards of having happy, healthy birds. I'm not saying I'm a special person, but it does take quite a bit of understanding and patience, and I wouldn't trade one bit of the time we've spent so far for a "quieter" bird. What I've learned with Sterling so far has actually brought more trust into my relationship with Dixie (AG), she's become more loving since Sterling showed up on the scene...lol.



Robin, Paul, Dixie, Sterling, George & Gracie

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