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Very important, please read


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I don't know if any of you have read about HR 669, but I want to bring it to your attention. It's bad news.


In a nutshell, if it passes, you will not be able to buy, sell, or even give away any animal that is not native to the United States, including birds. Companies will not be allowed to make products for non native animals. You will not be allowed to transport them across state lines.


Some people say this is aimed at poisonous snakes, monkeys, etc., but that is not how it's written.


This law must be stopped. You can read all of the details and help kill this law at: the American Federation of Aviculture's view of HHR 669


Please take action before its hearing on April 23, 2009.<br><br>Post edited by: oppie, at: 2009/04/16 06:33

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