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cuddly birds.


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Is your bird extremely cuddly?


Pepper is about 8-ish months old and VERY cuddly. Just the other day I woke up (she snuck her way out of the cage LOL) and she's sitting right next to a chair by me while I sleep. She was very well behaved... as soon as I woke up she jumped on me and I spent 30 - 45 mins giving her a head rub and under her beak rub, etc and she was loving it.


I would attempt to go back to sleep several times, but she would jump right back on me and beg for cuddle time haha. I then just gave in and let her sleep under the blanket with me.


The yesterday I went to get her out of the cage in the morning and she grabbed my hand with one foot and begged for me to rub under her beak. I did so for about 3 to 4 mins, its so cute!!


Idk she is very cuddly with me anddd i love it:lol:


woops that was kinda long!

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Tycos_mom wrote:

I have a few really cuddly birds But Shady is by far is the one who will give up everything for a cuddle. She would rather cuddle than eat thats how spoilt she is I must say I enjoy the cuddle as much as she does:laugh:


Thats cute.


Yeah I really enjoy it just as much as they do! lol Does Shady let everyone give him cuddles or just you?

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judygram wrote:

Enjoy it while you can for a lot of them outgrow that cuddliness when they become more independent as they mature, not trying to burst your bubble but just to be aware that it may not last.


I am aware.



FOr some reason everytime you post into something I make you say something negative:S

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danmcq wrote:

Awww,what a sweetheart Pepper is. :-)


I hope she remains very cuddly for you as she ages, you just never know.


Thanks for sharing this story and the signature photo your using of her, very beautiful CAG. :-)


yep! you can never tell, but i am definitely enjoying it while i can;)


thank you. shes such a pretty bird!

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caitb2007 wrote:

Aww how cute! Pepper really loves you. :)

Is she like this with anyone else?


Just me and my boyfriend.


She will allow my parents to put her under a blanket and sleep on their lap (another favorite thing) but other than that she doesnt really allow them to really cuddle up and get head rubs etc.

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Charlie loves cuddles but only if he wishes. Its up to him. He often likes to sit on the setee of an evening just before bed and sometimes it is clear he wishes to sit by me but hands off, other times he cant get enough head scritches and loves his whole face being rubbed.Pepper is growing in to a beautifull bird.

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One of mine loves his cuddles. He is my middle grey Keeko who is 14 months old now.


I just love it to bits when I let him out of his cage he comes straight over and gives me a big kiss and a love.


They are so sweet:kiss: :kiss:

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