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Naughty Mason


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This is Mason.He is my naughty grey..lol..He has been home for a couple of months now.When he first came he was wonderful.And of course a new toy for the kids.Everyone loved him and played with and held him.As days went on no one really bothered with him to much except to say hi.Every once in awhile one of the kids will try to pick him up but he will have none of that.He trys to growl and get away but if they presist he flys to me or trys to anyway.They pick him up off the floor,he steps up but then he bites them and bites them and bites HARD.He is trying me lately by lightly biting me to which I tell him no bite and that he is naughty.He laughs and tells me naughty.:) Good thing he is so darn cute.I just love him.

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Hello Cris, I have to start this off with some questions to be able to give you some answers. How old is Mason, a new baby or a rehomed grey? When he bites do you pull away or scream at him? What kind of diet do you have him on?

I think part of your problem is when you first brought him home he was the center of attention and now he does not get much and he does not like it.

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Hi Judygram.Mason is about 4 months old.Yes when he first came home he was the center of attention but now everyone goes about their day except myself and my finance which are the only 2 who can handle him anymore.As for his diet he has Zupreen which is the only thing he will he eat.I have tried other supplements but he does not eat them.Other then that he eats everything I eat.Peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches,chex cereal,veggies and what ever else I may be having for lunch and dinner.He loves pizza that has been one of his favorite.He came from a pet store and the lady I bought him from says he is doing great so I am pleased with that.He is so spoiled.I get him new toys every couple of weeks and give him a change.But when he bites we don't pull away.The kids do though.I tell them not to but that's the reaction they give him.But NO one yells at him they just say No mason no bite.I tell them to just speak firmly to him not to yell.


Post edited by: cris, at: 2007/06/21 03:22<br><br>Post edited by: cris, at: 2007/06/21 03:23

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I think he is trying to rule the roost. He needs to know you are in charge but not in a mean way. When you get a grey you should not have spent any more time on him than what you planned to spend for the rest of his life. Lavishing all that attention on him at first is what made him think it was going to be like that from now on and it ain't.

I must say that I guess I have had it easy as my grey, who turned 1 year old last month, has never bitten me. She has beaked me and pushed me away with her beak but never broken the skin. When I tell her to step up she does because she knows I mean it. I don't let her get away, I follow thru.

Maybe the kids shouldn't try to pick him up at this point and just you and your fiance do that. Gently but firm have him step up and if he tries to bite don't pull back or flinch. Show him it will not make you go away and he will eventually give it up, I hope. If he does bite tell him no and turn your back to him and walk away. Go back after a bit and try again.

Maybe I am not the person who should be giving you advice as I have not the experience with biting greys. Mine has been so sweet so far but that could change when she goes thru the terrible twos.:dry:

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That's very good advice Judy. Talon will bite, but not hard. She mostly does it when someone is trying to get her to step up when she doesn't want to. She bites me, much less than anyone else, because I ignore it and make her step up anyways. The others in the house will say something to her, even tho they are told not too. Thus reinforcing what she thinks is fun! :silly:

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