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Gizmo and his affection


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Seems like everytime I post Gizmo is moving forward this time it's a little backward too. Gizmo will now fly to me which I LOVE and he lets me pet him with no complaints at all (last time it was just his head) however he continues to pluck feathers. He does seem to be slowing down but I will be taking him to the vet soon if it continues. Anyway here is a video I threw together today please excuse the mess I had back surgery Monday and have not got much cleaning done.


edited by: Maxxheadroom, at: 2009/04/15 23:06
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I worked with Giz on flying to me for about 2 weeks he didn't want to have anything to do with it then I had to go in and get a myelogram which put my in bed for a week. I opened up his cage and he was acting a little different than normal so I held out my hand and he flew right to me. Was an awesome thing!

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Wow! That looked pretty awesome. I wish you a speedy recovery. There is NO way Emma would let me give her a scritch while she decides she is done or else you get bitten at your own risk. :angry: Eating for her is sacred and everyone else needs to backoff until she finishes. That is neat that Gizmo allows you to scritch him at the same time.:)<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/16 03:32

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I agree with Judy, I bet he sensed that you were "under the weather" and wanted to make you feel better. They are so in tune with our feelings. He obviously loves you very much. Great job!!! Hope you have a speedy recovery too.


I wish Baxter would fly to me like that.:( I'm jealous.

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I agree with what many others have said, many pets are very in tuned with their owners. My cats can always tell on days where my disability is causing me great pain, and the birds are even better at it. The breeder clipped their wings before we got them so we are trying to let their flights grow out now, but I do not have a doubt in the world that once they can fly, on these days they will fly to me. Now they will hang on the side of the cage and scratch at the bars and say "I love you Eric". They knew my name was Eric, and they have learned "I love you", but they put "I love you Eric" together themselves.

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Wow! That's super! There's no doubt you two are "tight".


The plucking can be a real tough one because so many things can trigger it. My prevous grey went through a couple of periods where he would pluck at his chest feathers when he was frustrated. I just tried to avoid those things that would trigger it, and discovered by accident an alternative outlet for his frustration. I had purchased one of those rope perches and he took to chewing on it instead of himself when he was mad. He also had a small toy that hung from the top of his cage with a bell on the end. When real mad he'd go beat-up his toy - DINGDINGDINGDINGDING. He eventually chewed through his rope perch so I got him one of those thick rope knot toys and placed it near the bell toy in the corner of the cage. Sometimes he'd beat-up the bell toy, and other times he's chew the knot while grrr, grrr grrring under his breath. The plucking almost completely stopped. Only the two toys suffered - hehehe.


Congratulations of the flight training and good luck with the plucking.



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