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Fungus is among us


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Can CAGs eat mushrooms? I mean, I know they CAN, but is it safe for them seeing that mushrooms are fungusses...or "fungi", for the intellectually annoyed? :)


And while we're on the subject, what about grapefruit? I was eating grapefruit today and strangely, Richard went nuts. He just HAD to have some and it had never occured to me in the past to give him any due to its high acidic content. But I gave him some against my better judgment and he loved it. You know how their pupils open and close when they eat things they love? Richard was doing that and now I regret giving him any because I feel like I'm depriving him when I don't share.

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It could be that fungi produce spores and the spores could be inhaled by our birds. Since they are subject to respiratory infections/issues this could be the concern. I will try and do some more research to confirm if mushrooms/fungi are in fact bad for them.

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From what I can find so far mushrooms are not recommended to feed our birds and can be dangerous. Reasons include: toxic acids certain mushrooms create, spores they produce, allergic reactions injestion can cause.


Looks like its best to keep our birds away from shrooms in general. ;) Personally I like em though so I'm gonna keep eating them, just away from Kip!

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yogurt should be fine in small quantities as is hard dry cheese. Milk can be a problem (though mine gets into some every now and then and loves it), but the process of making yogurt and cheese more or less kills off the bacteria and enzymes present in milk that can cause problems. Not sure if there is an official list anywhere, but lots of books speak to the topic.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/06/26 18:31

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I too read that mushrooms were bad for greys, so I asked my avian vet, she said cooked mushrooms were ok, but I figure...WHY TAKE THE RISK?

I myself LOVE mushrooms also, and have to be careful not to feed them anything with mushrooms in it.

I also heard tomatoes wern't good for them either, anyone hear different?

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Connie, I think we found out that the tomato itself is ok, it is the leaves and stems of the plant that are not good for them.


So your vet said cooked mushrooms are ok, I hadn't heard that, I thought mushrooms in any form were forbidden. This is the first time I have heard that.

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She did say they were ok, but I'm not sure. There are still so many yes/no answers out there,I'm not taking any chances.

I'm trying to find where I read about the tomatoes, when I find it I'll post here.

It had something to do about the time of day it grew or something like that?

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I know I read it somewhere, but I can't find it and every site I have been to, seems to say they are ok.


This is the most common list found of DON'TS...


Some foods that are toxic to parrots include: avocado, raw onion, rhubarb, olives, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, carbonated drinks, dairy products, processed meats, sugar, and salt.

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The advice is to avoid mushrooms so the books say as some of them are highly toxic for parrots and some arent but the only way to be safe really is to just avoid them its the same as with advocado pear only certain parts of it are toxic but its not worth taking the chance with our most beloved birdies


nooey and mojo x

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