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african grey


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can anyone advise me on breeding african greys



i have a five year old femail very tame

and im wondering if i get a three year old male grey

would she breed ok indoors in a room on their own they would still get lots of love and care


or would i be better off buying a provan pair




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Hello John and welcome to the forum!!


There is no guarantee they would pair up and secondly a 3 year old Grey is not sexually mature. The become sexually mature at 5+ years.


Breeding is not just putting a couple of opposite sexed Greys in a room and hoping for the "Magic" to happen. They need the right space, nesting box, environmental qualities etc.


The first thing you would need to do, would be to learn by reading a lot of books and information on breeding Greys and get with a breeder that has years of experience doing so.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Hello John- I waz going to brede my two greyz, but changed my mind. Some of the expert grey peopel in our grey luvnezt made me come to my senzez. I callled around and found out from the rezQz that they R alwayz full of birdz and hardly can ever take in any, so peopel sometimez have them "put down." :evil: A lot of the expert peopel hear told me how it is just not the wright thing to do with the economee being so pathatic and so many birdz being dumped in shelterz and being "put down." I just could'nt do it becuz I would worrry two much about the future of my litttle chicks. :( I am thinking bout doing toucan rezQ now, but I am not shure yet. I am just re searching.


My little gurl Molly was onze used for her eggz :evil: by her last ownur and I have decided that is greeedy.



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Hi John. I know very little about breeding but Dan has given you some sound information.My grey is about 6 years old and I only just now view him as mature.I look forward to hearing more about your grey.

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