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Does your Grey get hyper?


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Shanti gets extremely restless just before bedtime. If he is inside the cage, he starts pacing and generally behaving in a very hyperactive way. If outside, he will flutter his wings like crazy and sometimes jump to the floor.


He never gets this agitated during the day. My hunch is that he's overtired and just wants lights out (I cover the cage overnight).


Anyone else noticed similar behavior?

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Oh yes our 2 are very hyper sometimes and I think they are possesed. They both scream like banshees and fly and jump around while flapping their wings. Rangi even sits on his butt and screams with his wings out, flaps them and then spins. The first time it happened I thought they must be scared of something, but every day they do it. I am now thinking what times it happens and it is mid morning and the afternoon when I get home from work.


Simple things can trigger it as well, like if I throw Rangi's ball into the air by him he starts to scream and jump around. With Kea I just give her a bit of paper and she is off. At other times doing these things have no affect on them.


I encourage them to do it when I see it happening and I feel like they are getting out all that pent up energy.

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Dayo is the same as Judy's Josey. he does get hyper at times during the day and just bounces off the walls with energy.


But, at night time, we have always taken him in the dimly lit living room and he sits in my wife's lap and watches a movie with us and gets lots of loving and scratches as he sits, puffs up and preens.


Normally when it's night-night time he is already dozing off and is like a child as you carry their limp body to bed. :-)

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Every day Emma has certain moments during the day where she vocalizes alot more and there is a lot of physical activity and wing flapping on her part. Close to bedtime she spends alot of time preening she is pretty quiet and very affectionate. She knows that sleepy time is close by.<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 16:27

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I think it is Shantis way of telling you its time for bed.My cousins grey has a squark that he only does at night night time,thats the signal for cover me up.Charlie will go quiet and mumble to him self but if I am not paying atention and it goes past bed time he will get excited and do the wall of death round his cage,that is when he climes round in a circle and shouts.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/04/14 16:35

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Jenna doesn't get hyper at night but as soon as I turn off the lights in her room and she thinks I am leaving (I usually sit with her in the dark and talk quietly to her for a few minutes before I go) she will start chattering up a blue streak! Reminds me of little children who don't want to go to bed

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Simple answer NOPE! Ben is unusual I think.

She is not quiet but only shrieks once very rarely.

She spends most of the time talking and making all the noises in our home as we move about, light switches, doors, phone etc.

But she never has a session of shrieking even thou we are a bit noisy ourselvs.

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Ana Grey is always a quiet grey. She only makes a fuss after a bath, mumbles a lot and flaps her wings a lot, probably complaining that I have messed up her do. :lol: or when I leave the room, she makes a lot of sounds then, wanting to go with me. When it is sleep time she just goes to her cage so she can have a snack before lights out. She is a mello little girl and I am truly grateful.

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Chimay is a riot in the mornings.... He will let out a rogue screech here and there (fortunately we don't have a screamer...yet), will fly off of his playtop if I have to leave the living room while getting things together to go to work, and will just sit up on top of his cage flapping his wings and showing off for us. At night however when I get home he is ready to cuddle cuddle cuddle. The only time he's fussy at night is when cuddle-time is over and it's time to go to bed...he climbs down to the bottom of the cage and puts his beak against the bars and starts kicking his leg behind him like a little baby bull. Ha ha! I know it's frustrating for him because he doesn't want cuddle time to be over, but that baby-bull maneuver is just too cute to watch.

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  • 5 months later...

I just googled the bulkl kicking behavior because my grey does it and came across this thread! apparently it must be a semi-normal grey behavior because my grey does the same thing, grabs the cage with his beak and kicks like a bull. He seems to do this when he wants out or if I won't let him into something that he wants to get into. its too funny!

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Dorian absolutely becomes hyper and agitated at his bedtime, and it happens very fast, like a switch is flipped. One moment he's calm and preening, the next moment I hear his 'tired birdy' chirp, he begins pacing about, and there's nothing to do but turn off the lights and say g'night, so Shanti isn't alone:)

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>>Dorian absolutely becomes hyper and agitated at his bedtime, and it happens very fast, like a switch is flipped. One moment he's calm and preening, the next moment I hear his 'tired birdy' chirp, he begins pacing about, and there's nothing to do but turn off the lights and say g'night, so Shanti isn't alone >>


I am happy to hear that! It's good to know that Shanti isn't just completely nuts :)

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Kookie is hyper especially if he doesnt wanna go to bed, he would pace his cage in a circle movement frm perch to side to top and then back on his perch. If I left him alone he would circulate for few minutes before he gets to sleep. Sometimes, I go to him, take him out for few head scratches, calm him down and give him a peanut or an almond. He sleeps like a baby afterwards.


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