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Hello fellow Grey lovers!

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I found this forum after buying my new Congo Grey "Sam". In less than a week I've enjoyed reading many of your posts. My Previous Grey, a imported bird named "Nelson" passed away in January after being my great friend for 20 years. My house was sooooo quiet for almost 3 months!! Sam is already starting to fill that hole left in my heart by the loss of Nelson. As you all know, these are amazing birds! Sam.jpg


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Hello SamsDad and welcome to the family, so glad you did find us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sam.


I am so sorry about your loss of Nelson and he had a rather short life at 20 years but I am sure they were happy years and you are right, they are amazing creatures.


We have a pet memorial section here where you may write some about Nelson if you like, some people find that helps to share their feelings about a loss of a beloved pet.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for including a picture of Sam in your opening post, how old is Sam as he does not look like a very young bird?

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Welcome Samsdad and Sam!!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


20 years is a long relationship to have had with Nelson. I am sorry to hear he passed on. I'm positive the cherished memories during that twenty years keeps him at the forefront of your mind and heart.


It's good to hear you have found a way out of the morning and into continuing on by providing another Grey "Sam" a good and loving home that you can both enjoy each others company in.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hi and welcome.

Twenty years with Nelson must have given you many many good memories, not to mention all those years experiance you can share with us hear.I am sure Sam will be one lucky bird being taken in to such an experianced loving home.

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Thanks all for the warm welcome! And thanks for the suggestion to post to the memorial page - I will do so when I gather a some pictures of Nelson to share.


I consider myself extremely fortunate finding my new CAG Sam. I was expecting a couple weeks of adjustment for him after bringing him into my home. Instead, just 3 days later he was fully adjusted and acting like he's always lived here. My 22 year old daughter came by last Saturday to meet her "new" little brother. She returned on Sunday for Easter dinner and Sam was excited to see her, making it clear he wanted some attention from her. I placed him on the floor and he walked right over, she picked him up and he spent the next hour getting scratched and petted. Every time she'd stop he'd nudge her hand with his beak just like a dog to get her to start again. He was so nice and gentle to her. Its only been 10 days but Sam is practicing some new words - in my voice. I couldn't have found a better bird!



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Thats wonderful that Sam has helped with your grieving of wilson although noone will ever be able to replace himits good you have found Sam to help fill the large hole left in your heart. How old is Sam and how did he come to live with you? I'm looking forward to reading and getting to know you and Sam and also Wilson on the memorial page. Welcome to our family we love oictures and storiies here So don't hesitate to post what ever comes to light in your life with Sam. I have to wonderful Greys Tyco and my brand new addition Shady. Shady is a Baby that I hand fed from 5 weeks old She wonderful and Tyco is a 6 yr old that I rescued from horrible circmstances a couple years ago. Both are girls.

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Welcome to you Tom and Sam. So sorry you lost Nelson. :( I am glad you chose to take in another "baby", which leads me to ask (did I miss it) how old is Sam?


You have come to the right place, this is a fantastic group to share and learn.



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