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Jacko's first day out


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Okay, just want to do some gushing about Jacko's first big day out in his Aviator.


I had actually previously decided to put away all the aviators and start the training process all over again next summer but today was just so nice out I couldn't help myself...


So, I harnessed him up in a second (he wasn't overly thrilled about putting it on, as usual) and waltzed out the front door, where we preceeded to spend about three hours on the front porch relaxing.


At first, he was nervous but after about twenty minutes he settled down, did some whistling, fluffed up his feathers and relaxed in the sunshine, helping himself to some sunflower seeds in the process. He wasn't keen on walking on the lawn so I gave up and he stayed on my arm/knee.


Then, we went for a walk around the block, and in this whole outing, he only tried to fly away twice (once to get away from the lawn, once to try and get to the patch of trees). He was actually doing a lot of puff ups, full body shakes and tail wags, which from what I know means he at least tolerated it, if not enjoyed it. I'm very happy... although I'm torn.


Part of me now wants to continue taking him out because he seemed to like it and part of me wants to stop and begin the harness training process over again in a year or so so he kinda forgets about it.


But then, he seemed so happy and alive that part of me says eventually he'll associate the Aviator with his outside adventures anyway so he'll come to love it.


Okay, gushing's done, I'm just so happy and I wanted to share the news!

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Sounds like you had a pretty nice time together. Congratulations.{Feel-good-00020114}


Thank you for writing this post. I had already decided that a harness was not something I would purchase. Your post helped to solidify that decision It made me realize another reason why the harness thing in general is not something I will purchase for my parrot. First of all there are so many uncontrollable factors when you are out in public, there is no way of knowing what is going to scare or freak them out. The risk of getting bitten by them is higher in my opinion because they might bite out of fear or even in order to protect their favourite human {meaning ME}. The other thing is that I wouldn't feel completely comfortable having my parrot fully exposed in public like that. You never know what type of people are paying attention and getting evil ideas to do something unscrupulous. I guess it's the same as being careful about who you invite into your HOME. I used to be really naive about this stuff and then someone who is alot older and alot more experienced than me spoke to me about being EXTREMELY cautious about who saw my parrot on the street. Sometimes it gives dishonest strangers the wrong idea and they may assume that you are very wealthy and who knows what else. All of this is just my humble opinion that I wanted to share. On the other hand as I type this I think using a harness just for walking around in one's private backyard sounds like a much safer idea.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:19


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:20


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:26


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:27<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/04/14 04:37

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To tell you the truth lovethatgrey, that crossed my mind as well. I to wondered if maybe taking Jacko out like that was wise and decided to try it.

Although I am always cautious I don't feel overtly worried because nothing I wear nor the home in whih I live gives the impression that I am wealthy, and I make sure to emphasize that when out with the bird. I also make sure that I don't leave the house alone when taking my grey out and I only go out in the daytime. Where I live is a rather quiet suburban neighbourhood and we know our neighbours well.

If all else fails, well, and I say this in jest although having your parrot stolen is no laughing matter, I also happen to have a very large, imposing dog. And, actually, several of my neighbours have stated repeatedly that, they would not, even if their lives depended on it, risk running into that dog. (He's actually very friendly provided you don't pose a threat, as say a robber might).

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I am glad Jacko enjoyed his outing.I have an out side aviery and I am very cautious about it. I have never as yet left Charlie out side while I am at work or for that matter Cracker.My neighbours are fantastic but I think the security risk is high. Charlie would never accept a harness. They both love going in the carrier to the aviery and spending time out side though.I believe it is so healthy for them.

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I know for a fact that I'll never be able to Harness train Tyco. Fergie is harrnss trained and loves going outside in the yard. I have to be so careful around where I live as we have so many Hawks and Bald Eagles I basicly live in a huge wild bird sancuary and all the birds are so gorgous but some are deadly we have herons and cranes hawks eagles owls I was driving hone the other night and the most beautiful white Owl flew right beside my car. So even though I do plan to harness train Shady I will not allow them to go far from me. the birs around here are not afraid of people and I wouldn't put it past any hawk to swoop down and grab one of my fids from the yard or sundeck I will harness train shady so I can take him with me for rides in my car or for a day at the park in town. but at home I prefer my birds to be in the safety of thier outside cage on the sundeck. they love to spend time out their and it is so healthy for them.

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I am so envious that your bird will let you get a harness on! I've tried a couple of times to work towards getting the aviator on her (I mean a couple of different PERIODS of time, not just tried to stick it on her!) but she is just not willing. So we will manage with our adventure pack for outings. I do miss having a bird who can be out and about with me without a carrier, though. My last bird was harness trained and loved being out in public ~smiles nostalgically~ I'm just happy I can take Jenna out now, even if it IS in a little cage!


I'm with you all on the safety/security stuff. I've thought about building an outdoor aviary for Jenna, but since I could never feel safe having her out there unless I could see her, I'm not sure she'd get a lot of use out of it.

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Raposa, do keep at it if you're willing, because even though Jacko's at a point where he doesn't mind it being on, he hates putting it on and will try to get away if he can until it's fully on so even I have work to do with him.


As for taking Jacko (I've taken to calling him Jay for short) outside in his harness around in public I was willing to take the security risks because I feel it is a quality of life issue for him and, of lesser importance, for me.

I can't give him back the African forests or the flock of hundreds he would had lived with had the parrot trade not began, but I can give him this at least.

Just like with people, he could spend his life strictly indoors with clipped wings, moving from day cage to playstand to sleep cage (or, to compare with humans, 'living in a bubble') and be (well actually not even then) 100% safe... but think of how boring that might become.

Parrots must have some sort of instinctual need to travel far and wide with the flock on a daily basis, always experiencing new things. With the harness I can do this, he can travel with the flock (me) and go different places and see new things.

I also, can experience less guilt when I leave the house (because I do completely understand the parrot need to be with the flock as much as possible and I respect it, so often being seperated from them when I don't have to be makes me feel bad) because now I can include him in many things, enriching both our lives.

So, I totally agree there are security risks but I've chosen to let Jacko live the fullest life I can give him even if that might present certain risks on occaision. I believe it is worth it. I would never want him to be in any sort of harmful situation but I don't want him to be bored out of his mind just to be as safe as possible.

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