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Hello! Marcello, my TAG, and I are new to this forum. We are here to learn new things, share experiences with others, and listen to all kinds of advice. Marcello is 3 years old, and has been with me for 2 months. He has adjusted well, and is one of the family members. He only does things with me, but will mock others around the house. I have found some interesting ideas on this forum and hope to learn some more. We hope you all have a great day!B)

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Hello Marcellos_mom and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Marcello.


What a lovely sounding name for a grey.


Is Marcello a rescued or rehomed grey? In any case I am glad he found a new home from wherever he came from and I bet he is getting spoiled rotten.


We have lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love to look at pictures of each other's greys here so if you have some of Marcello you would share with us that would be great.


A lot of greys will have a favorite person who can do most anything with them and others they just tolerate and my Josey is pretty much the same way but she is gradually allowing my hubby to handle her some but not a lot.

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