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My grey is breathing weird :(


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He is doing fine with the new medication although he hates to get it. He goes back to our new vet in a couple of weeks for another xray. The negative part is that his appetite is down so any suggestions on finicky eaters? Really want to build him up to help fight this. Thanks :)

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I was thinking about him today and was going to post and ask how he was doing and someone beat me to it. I'm glad he's hanging in there. I have no advice on the eating thing as Ziva is a picking eater. I did find out recently that she likes cooked pineapple as she takes it off my pizza.


Good luck and please keep us up to date on his progress.

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I hope Eli is doing better now

Kookie loves guava, peas, pomgranates, almonds, kiwi, capsicum (with seeds), popcorn (no oil or salt)


I hope Ive given u some ideas

Please keep us posted on his condition and response to medication


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to thank you all again for your positive thoughts! Eli is doing great! His last vet visit was wonderful and the vet says his breath sounds are fantastic. He is going in again this month for repeat titer tests (don't know if I spelled that right) and his appetite is 100% better :) I am just so glad to have my little guy back :D

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This is the best news I've heard all week I so happy I could almost cry. I glad he's got his appetite back and his breathing is back to normal these are great signs.Don't forget to keep us updated on the test results next month I bet you'll find that the tests come back negetive for asperilos (Can't spell sorry)any way thats what I'll be praying for. I just looked over at my baby and she is sound asleep makes me happy. I know you must be so happy your baby is getting better Thank goodness.

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