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My grey is breathing weird :(


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I have a young male African Grey that I hatched and raised from an egg. About 2 months ago he started with some heavy breathing. I took him to the vets where they tested him for everything and took xrays. Everything was fine. The vet did put him on 2 antibiotics just to be safe and within a day his breathing was back to normal. I noticed this weekend that he is starting the weird breathing again. It almost sounds like he has asthma, although, he sounds okay during the day but the weird breathing starts at night. He is eating fine, playing, talking and his poop looks normal. I have an appointment for him at the vets again tomorrow but was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this before??? Thanks

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There's the possibility that your bird is being bothered by dust spores in the area he lives in or is in an area where there's little air circulation or he may have a partially collapsed lung.

You didn't say how long it was after the vet visit that the condition returned but in any case, the only correct diagnosis has to come from a vet especiallysince there's even more possibilities about why the problem has returned. Explain to the vet how long it took to come back and whether you were having any type of difficulty in giving the proper doses of medicine. Hope you get good results.

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The first time it happened was in January. It stopped as quickly as it started and I noticed it again this weekend. Last night it sounded like asthma and today he is breathing normal again. He's happy, playing and acting just like his normal self. It's really weird how it has been coming and going this weekend. He's sitting here next to me and breathing totally fine again.

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Hello Loshcosh! I am sorry to hear about your baby being sick, I hope the vet can figure out whats going on with him. Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about you and your grey. If you have any pictures of him we would love to see :)

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I hope you get it figured out soon.


I had something similar with my bird last weekend and it scared the heck out of me. It turned out to be breeding behavior but she breathes and squeaks like she's having an asthma attack.


Good luck tomorrow.

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Hopefully someone that knows something will answer your question. That person is not me! I don't even know that my bird is female for sure. We find that out next month.


When your bird is breathing funny, does he do anything else? Ziva squats down and holds her wings forward which I have been told is the normal breeding behavior. I thought she was scared because she couldn't breathe. I was getting ready to rush her to see a vet but called a breeder who talked me thru it.

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Sometimes Ziva just sits there also. Other times she's moving all around doing her wing thing. I have found that I can distract her with something and she forgets she was doing it and stops. It's kind of like - oh look, something shiny.


I hope they figure it out and that it's something simple. Good luck and let us know what the vet has to say.

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Mabietry putting an air cleaner near her cage she might just have some alergy to something thats in the air at night like mabieaplant or something plant breath oxegen at night and mabie theres a plant around her that stealing allhis oxegen or like Dave said letting off some sort of spores at night.

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I hope the vet can give you some answers when you take him in tomorrow but I hope it isn't anything serious. Please let us know what you find out and don't forget to introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your grey, like what is his name.

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The vet ran a bunch of tests and did xrays so the only results I have so far are from the xrays and it wasn't great news :( Most of what he said went over my head but the gist of it is that he thinks Eli has fungus in his lungs and air sacs and he is going to be on fluconazole for the next year as well as having xrays done every month to see the progress. Something to the effect that Eli aspirated some food possibly?? I'm a little upset that the vet didn't catch this when we went in for this same problem 2 months ago :( He is supposed to be getting back to me next week with all the test results and hopefully then i'll understand alittle more of what he said.

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I'm sorry the news wasn't better. I was hoping it was something really simple. I hope he explains it more to you when you speak with him. Did he say anything about it being contagious to your other birds?


Please keep us updated. I'm sure those that know more will reply with something intelligent!

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Sorry the news wasn't good. Karma to you for taking the bird back in to the vet. Don't leave the vets office until you understand every thing that is going on. Tell him to put it in your language so you can understand.

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