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Hi Im new here

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Hi Im an expectant mum to be. My baby grey will be moving in at the end of May (Im sooooo looking forward to this wonderful day)

He....(has been dna tested so I know for sure) will be addressed as Harrison and will be 15 weeks old when he joins the family.

I have joined here as I want to learn loads more to enable a happy contented life for Harrison and with Harrison.:P

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Hello Elliemm1 and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Harrison.


Is this your first grey, first parrot? You have certainly came to the right place for we have many knowledgeable members who go out of their way to help one another.


It is exciting waiting for a grey baby to wean and be able to bring it home where you can lavish all kinds of love and attention on it, the time will go so slow, like waiting for Christmas morning.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here too so if you have some of your new baby we would love to see them.

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Welcome Elliemm1 and soon to come Harrison!!!


It's GreYt having you here. I know that it's going to be the longest month + in your life, but believe me, the wait will be very rewarding. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi and welcome. I am sure you and Harrison will benefit from this site,it is a fantastic place for information,help, guidance and friendship.If you have any photos of Harrison please post them we would all love to see him.I hope the time goes quickly for you.

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Welcome to you! I am pretty new here too, and I love it. There is so much to learn here, I am sure you will love it too.

There are great helpful, supportive people here as well.


You must be so excited for your baby to arrive! Can't wait to see and hear more! :)

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