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New to Forum - and new Grey owner

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Hello all. I recently adopted an 18yr old Grey -Gracie -I had no issues with step-ups and bonding - we get along GREAT - however, the application did mention that gracie didn't like the previous owners Wife - she would always bite - I'm having the same issue with her and my wife as well - I've tried different things, such as having my wife bring her new toys, treats - something new to the table - besides what I would offer - But she still is aggressive - it does not matter if I'm in the room, or those two are alone - If it's jealousy - then how can I assist Gracie in accepting my wife into the "flock" :-)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Welcome to R luvnezt. My little gurl Molly is 16 and she was uzed for her eggz in her earlier yearz as a breeder for some guyz' bird biz, but now she is my little gurl and she is getting better with people. She doeznt bite az hard az she uzed to and she doeznt screme az much either. The bestest sugggeston I can give is to have ur wife where glovez and handel her that way. By way the, this is a grate cite for 411.



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Hello dberes and welcome to the forum! That is so nice of you to rehome an older grey. Thats great the she bonded with you so well, some people aren't that lucky. If Gracie didn't like her previous owners wife for all of those 16 years then I don't think your wife is going to have any luck. Maybe something bad happened to her and she doesn't trust women anymore. The best thing you can do is give her her space around your wife and don't force her to like your wife. Some greys are just one person birds. So does Gracie talk? or make any cool sounds? Anyways, I wish you the best of luck with Gracie and please keep us updated on her progress. If you have any pictures of her we would love to see. :)

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Thank you all for the responses - and yes, I'm not sure what has happened or her experience in the other home. The wife still gives her space, and tries to make each meeting positive or leave on a positive note. It has only been about 3 weeks - so we'll continue to give it time and hopefully she'll warm up or grow more comfortable with her surroundings. caitb2007 - yes - she talks like crazy "Wanna come out" - "What did you say" "Hello" "Good girl" "good boy" "Come here" makes a double beep tone that sounds like the old owners Dryer :-), a Grrrr growl sound, a old person cough and beelch- etc..just so many - each day she'll pull something new out and just surprises me - just a Gem of a bird. I've always wanted a Grey and am so happy we found each-other - I've heard it's not typical for older adopted Greys to bond so quickly - but she did step-ups right away - and by the next day she allowed me to give head-scrubs..The only other concern I have is Diet - which I'm finding is VERY complex with Greys - finding the right shape, size, texture, etc..Mash, Sprouts, and so-on - I think the previous owner feed her seed and that was about it..so I'm trying to get her interested in all these different foods - then keep track of what works. I think I spend more time on her dinner then mine :laugh: I'll post a pic soon..Thanks again for the support

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Hello Dberes and welcome to the family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gracie.


Thats wonderful that you could take in this older grey, had she had just this one owner before coming to you? A lot of greys will prefer one sex over the other but she may warm up in time to at least accept your wife. She may never have the kind of relationship you have with Gracie but at least she may be able to interact with her and not get bit.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Gracie when you get the chance.

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Welcome dberes and Gracie!!!


It's always wonderful to hear of someone adopting a mature Grey and providing them a loving home and researching all they can to provide the best care and attention possible. :-)


It will take time to overcome the fear Gracie has of past bad experience with a woman. But, it can happen and it sounds like you have the right idea of your wife remaining non-threatening and always being the good person offering treats, maybe help cleaning the cage, providing fresh food and water etc.


Maybe find something Gracie is just nuts over and have your wife keep in in her possession so Gracie can see it and must go to her to get it. This could be a favorite food, toy etc. Then it's not your wife possibly invading Gracie's space, but her going to your wife on her terms.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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She's beautiful! Welcome dberes!! I love the red feathers on her belly. I also have no experience with a re-homed grey...hopefully with time Gracie will come to accept your wife little by little. Maybe the previous owner's wife did/said/caused something that caused Gracie stress and she never forgave her. Best of luck and keep us posted on any progress! :D

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She is beautiful.It is so nice when you hear of older greys being asopted.You really seem to get on with her aswell.Some greys are one person birds and it is hard to say if Gracie will accept your wife. I guess its up to the grey.I would not worry over it too much,it is very early days yet and Gracie may have a few more surprises for you.I love her little red feathers.I would have your wife just talk to her at a distance the bird is happy with or if she will allow feed her treats by hand.Dont be surprised if the grey lashes the treat to the ground at first.Just take it very slow.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome and advice. This seems like a very friendly helpful forum with many knowledgable Grey owners, and I'm sure I'll be back asking more questions - or maybe soon offering some of my own support and experiences :-)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

How did U make her featherz red like that? :woohoo: Molly might say my name if I made some of her featherz like that. If U do'nt want to advertize ur secret feel freee to send me a private messsage. Looking forward to hering from U. :side: :silly:



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Welcome to the forum. I love the picture of Gracie. She may never be fond of your wife or wish to have contact with her but in time perhaps she will. I'd have your wife continue to offer her treats and sit near her and talk softly.

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