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flight chewing


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my grays name is big girl

she has now started to chew her flight feathers she is not pulling them out or pulling out any other feathers but she is chewing on the flights on both wings why wouls she be doing this she is 6 months old the breeder had cliped her before i got her cause i was not going to clip her for the first 2 years or so anyone have any ideas?????? ps sorry not a good speller never have been lol

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Is it possible to post a picture? It sometimes helps when we can see what a grey is doing.


I wonder if its to do with the clipping? If for some reason there is some discomfort for your grey.


I would go for a vet visit if I were you just to check everything out. Do you have a good avian vet?

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It could be a bad clip and the primaries are bothering your Grey. When you say chewing, do you mean she is biting them off in segments or just literally chewing them and causing damage such as small holes or visible wear on them?

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she is just chewing on them and making them look bad ill tru and post some pics tonight when my gf gets home cause it takes 2 so get her wings out to get a good pic she is not pulling them out or biting them off its strange none of my other birds have ever done this

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