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new caged african grey


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hi, i really need some help i have just been given an african grey called jack, as far as i know he is 3yrs old and is a caged bird he has never been out of the cage or handled in anyway. i have had him for 3wks and he seems quite at ease,but he has already plucked himself.He seems ok when i put my hand in the cage to do his food etc but thats about as far as i have took it at the moment, he is quite happy i would say (singing and talking) and he is eating well. i just wondered if anyone could give me any pointers on how to get him to come out of the cage,with out me stressing him out anymore than i need to.He seems a lovely bird but i think he has had a bit of a rough ride he is only 3 but looks old and scruffy if you get what i mean, i have started adding fresh fruit and veg to his food as he only lived on seeds, please could you tell me if im doing the right thing by keeping him coz i would love to have him,but if its not the right thing to be doing i would rather he went to someone with experiance. i have got a parrot owner coming round to c him nxt wk hopefully she can help too.thanks for any replys.

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Hiya Sarah,


Its great you have posted about Jack, you will get lots of help and advice on here.


Jack is still a very young bird and as long as you have time and patience for Jack I am sure you can change his life around just dont expect too much too soon it may take a while to gain his trust as he has not been handled and is not used to coming out of his cage.


We have many members on here who have taken in a rehomed bird and they have worked wonders with their birds. Their stories will give you lots of hope and encouragement.


I have had mine from being babies so am not an expert on rehomed birds but for now just talk to Jack, sit near him, give him treats if he is happy you doing this in general just get him used to you,your voice etc and his new surroundings.


The other members when they are online will explain to you what they did with their greys and give you some ideas.



Has jack had a vet check just to check everything is ok? When he settles a bit this may be a good idea, this will rule illness out and then we can help Jack with the plucking issues.


Has he been bathed at all. I normally mist mine 2-3 times a week. Again this may be something he has not been used to.


If you want jack to come out of his cage, leave his door open he will come out if he wants to and when he is ready. Its just getting him back in that could be a problem if he has not been handled.


We have a birdfood room here, take a look and it will give you ideas for jack and also lists what not to feed.


Karma to you for giving Jack a new home. i wish you both a happy future together, post any questions you have and people will try and help.



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thanks for getting back to me, i have been misting him 2 a wk but he does not like this at all,but to b honest i dont think he has ever had a bath, i have got him an appointment with the vet but its not until nxt mnth,hopeing this would give him time to settle.i will have a look in the food room to see what i can do.thanks again.

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Caroline has given good advise. Take things very slow and at the greys pace. It may take a long time but if you have the patiance it can work. As long as he seems well the vet visit next month is fine.Just carry on caring for him and talking , sitting by the cage and if he will allow feeding treats by hand. Leave the cage door open and he will wander out when he feels secure enough.Let him come out on his own, dont force the issue.

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Hi Sarah, I am the owner of an 8-month-old TAG so I don't have any experience with an older grey. I just wanted to welcome you to the family. Hope Jack learns to trust you soon as I believe from your post that you are a good and caring person. Your patience and gentleness will win through and you and Jack will then enjoy a long, loving and trusting relationship. When you get a chance we would love to see some pictures of Jack.

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thankyou all 4 getting back to me so quick, i found out today that jack loves cooked brussel sprouts, after i read someone else had tried this i thought i would give it a go and bingo he let me feed him from my hand inside the cage so i am very pleased with that... i didnt push it anymore after just in case he decided to bite me....can anyone tell me if i have to get his claws or beak clipped as im not to sure about all that yet?thanks.

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Hello Sarah and welcome to the forum! That is so nice of you to rehome Jack, he is so lucky to have found you! I'm sorry to hear that he is plucking. Do you have any foraging toys in his cage so he can keep his beak busy? If his claws are getting long and sharp you should take him to an Avian vet so they could trim them for you. Anyways just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I look forward to hearing more about you and Jack and hopefully seeing some pictures of him too.:)

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Sarah this will take some time for Jack to settle down and feel comfortable especially since he was kept in his cage all the time before he came to you.


I would open up his cage door and see if he will venture out, most greys get curious about the other side of the cage and when he feels safe enough he will come out. You can encourage him by offering treats to entice him out but let him come out on his own.


The others have given you some good advice and he has probably plucked himself in stress from the new home and environment but you must ignore it, you don't want to give any reaction that he might perceive as encouragement to continue it.


The improper diet is contributing to his poor feather condition if he was only on a seed diet and when he gets used to eating lots of vegetables, grains, legumes and fruits he will improve and he could be going thru a molt which will make them look a little scruffy looking.


I doubt he needs his beak trimmed but they do need their talons filed down a little if they don't get filed down enough from their perches but a vet can do that for you at the visit.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and Jack and share some pictures of him too.

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Hi Sarah

You've gotten lots of good advice and info here, and I think Jack is a lucky guy! You are obviously working hard to find out the best way to care for your new buddy, and it sounds like he already likes you. I'm looking forward to hearing more about you and Jack in the future!

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